Sin Commands

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Master List of all the sins you can commit.

/request to be secret mates with ( name. ) [your character. ]
- we will send the player a pm and tell you if they accept or decline! They can stitch on you if they wanna!

/request to secretly breed with ( name ) [your character. ]
- can be with your mate or even just a random cat, can fail and they can tell on you as well! This can be used at 14 moons for "teen" pregnancies ( For young cats, it has to be with another cat your age limit )

/steal kits ( name ) [ your character. ]
- you can steal kits from kittypets and claim them as your own!

/dump kits with ( name ) [ your character. ]
- have an unwanted pregnancy? well you can dump your kits on another queen!

/dump kits in territory [ your character. ]
- can leave your kits in the territory! There is a high chance someone else will find and raise them! They can also been taken by two-legs or be eaten by wild animals!

/murder ( name ) [your character.]
- will attempt to kill the cat listed, can fail or leave clues as well! If you have a higher battleskill, there is a higher chance you will succeed!

/scar (name) [your character. ]
- almost like baby murder.. on feminine cats it will lower their radiant, on masculine it will bring it up!

/make (name) infertile [your character.]
- uh... ya, you can scar someone up that they can't have kids anymore...
Have fun with that?

- can be added to! We will let you know in the news if there are new sins you can do!

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