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Just some things to note before the start of the chapter. Character pronouns are as follows: James (it/its) , Henri (he/him) , Livius (he/him) , Roux (they/them) , Emery (she/they) , Vince (he/she/they)


Third Person's P.O.V.

"Roomie c'mon we're gonna be late!" Henri yelled as he shook Kenny awake.

"Huh? What?" Kenny asked groggily as he slowly opened his eyes.

"It's orientation day," Henri explained, "We have to go since the semester starts tomorrow."

"Oh yeah," Kenny yawned as he sat up.

"I'll be in the main lounge when you're ready," Henri said, not giving Kenny a chance to respond before he was out the door.

Kenny stared at the door for a few moments after it closed behind his roommate. The brunette also spent a few more minutes laying in bed before getting up. He then gathered up his toiletries and slipped his feet into a pair of flip flops. Double checking that he had his keycard on him before exiting his dorm and heading down the hall to the communal bathroom.

"Hey Kenny," James greeted around his toothbrush.

"Hi James," Kenny said as he went into one of the available shower stalls, closing it behind him and preparing to shower.

"You excited for today?" James asked.

Kenny opened the door just enough to slip his hand through. He then did a so-so gesture with his hand before closing the stall door again. He heard James hum in response before he turned on the water.

"See you downstairs!" James yelled above the sound of running water before leaving the bathroom.

About ten minutes later, Kenny shut the water off and dried himself with his towel. He then wrapped himself in a bathrobe and picked up his toiletries before exiting the shower stall. There were a few more people in the bathroom now than when he came in making it difficult to leave. Once he successfully maneuvered his way around all the boys, Kenny hurried back to his dorm. Sighing in relief when his keycard was still in his pajama pants pocket where he'd left it before showering. Kenny hadn't actually misplaced it but he was always anxious about losing it.

Kenny held it up to the reader and entered his dorm room. He neatly packed away his toiletries after applying deodorant and lotion. Kenny then got dressed and double checked that he had his keycard on his person. Once he confirmed that he had it, Kenny grabbed his phone off of its charger and headed downstairs to meet up with Henri and James.

"Took you long enough," Henri said once his roommate walked up to him.

"I didn't even take that long," Kenny stated.

"I'm only teasing," Henri said.

"Ah, Kenny's here," James said as it walked up to the pair a bag of pastries from the café two buildings over in his hand.

"Yeah," Henri spoke, taking the muffin James held out to him, "Now let's go."

-page break-

The hall being used for the freshman orientation was surprisingly full when the group of three arrived. There were a few other small groups of people scattered around but majority of the students were by themselves. That's to be expected. Not everyone makes friends before classes start nor already have an established friend group from before university after all.

"How long do you think we have before the dean shows up?" James asked, "I wanna go find somebody real quick."

Before either Kenny or Henri could respond to its question, a microphone was tapped a few times. The building gradually fell silent as everyone turned their attention to the stage. Lo and behold, Dean Buford was standing upon it. A much too big smile on his face considering the general unease and anxiety of the newcomers to his institution.

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