At the Airport

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The Tracy family gets to the airport, they got their tickets and checked in their bags and went to the place they needed to go. They all sat in their seats and talked for a bit. Bill the father was amazing, he is the father anyone they wished they have... he is just simply the best! The mother Karen was a terrible mother and never help her children. Oldest kid is Robert, he is the nicest kid you could met! The youngest kid called Trish is not so nice kid, she always get in trouble. While they where having the best talk, Bill realize something... he was gonna turn into a crab in 2 minutes. Bill ran to the bathroom and hid in a stall. It was 11:59, Bill was very worried for when he turns into the crab... unspeakable things happen. It finally was 12 o-clock, screaming filled the bathroom. Everyone looked at his stall with worried eyes and they noticed pink glitter was appearing out of the stall. The stall door opened slowly... a large crab made out of human skin as a shell appeared, he was here...

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