𝓣he Three A-holes.

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    𝓟.E was now over! Meaning that it was now lunchtime. So far the first day was going pretty smooth!

We went to all of our specials. Music class first, Art, Science, then P.E!

Robin and I were walking to the cafeteria, together. Laughing hysterically. Well, it was mostly Robin laughing.

During lunch, we were all playing tag! And, one of the girls that were it, was trying to tag Robin! And....Robin did a fast turn, causing the girl to break her ankles and fall...

"Did you see the way the girl fell?!" Robin laughed. Tears running down his face.

"That's not funny! She could've gotten seriously injured," I commented, shoving him. Robin wiped his tears, nodding.

"Okay, okay, sorry. I'll apologize to her, later." Looking at Robin in disbelief, I shake my head.

"I know for certain that you would not do that, Robin Arellano." I say, folding my arm's.

Laughing again, we continue walking.

While making our way to lunch, Robin and I spot a group of boys picking on a boy with brown curly hair.

"Wait here," Robin say's, walking towards the scene.

Acting almost immediately, I walk up to the injured boy. Grabbing him, I drag the boy away from the scene.

Getting up, the boy wipes the dust off of his jeans. Sighing, the boy look's away.

"HEY! BREAK IT UP!" A hall monitor yells. Walking up to the group of fighting boy's.

The boys break it off. Robin, huffing.

"All of you, in my office. NOW." The monitor says, walking away.

Sighing, Robin gives me a small goodbye wave, before walking away.

It was now just the boy and I, and a group of some kids staring at us before walking away.

"Wow....all of that happened SO fast." The boy comments, shocked.

"Ya, uh- are you alright, though? You look pretty beaten up," I say, looking at the boy.

"Uh....ya. I'm fine. Don't worry about it." He reply's, looking down. I stare at him, unconvinced.

"Hold on. I think I have some bandages in my backpack," I say, looking through my stuff.

'Aha! Found them.' Taking out the bandages, I grin.

"Here, let me patch up your wounds for you." I offer, getting closer to the boy. Sighing, he nods.

"Okay, done!" I say, proud of myself.

"Thank you," The boy thanks, smiling slightly.

"Of course! Anything for a new friend," I comment, smiling.

"Friend??" Nodding, I say

"Yes. Names Y/N." I introduce, holding out my hand. Smiling fully, the boy shakes my hand.

"Finney. Finney Blake."

"Nice to meet you, Finney Blake. Now, let's get to lunch! I'm starving," I complain, dragging the boy with me.


It was officially the end of the first day! I was outside of the main office, waiting for Robin to come out.

Finney also waited for a bit, till he realized it was taking a little too long, and eventually left to go home.

After a long while of waiting, the door finally opened.

The three bullies walked out, catching a glimpse of me, throwing glares towards my direction.

Robin walked out, immediately seeing me and running towards me.

"Have you been waiting for me, here?" I nod, smiling.

"Of course! You're my friend. Had to see if all was well," I answer, making Robin grin brightly.

"Well, I should get going now. It's getting late." Robin nods, understanding.

"Bye-bye!" I wave goodbye, walking away. Robin waves back, walking the opposite direction.

Making it outside of the building, I see dad's car from a distance, smiling.

Feeling a pair of eyes stare at me, I look to the side, gasping.

'The three bullies!' Panicked, I start to walk even faster.

(TW: Bullying!)

Hearing running from behind me, I feel myself get turned around forcefully.

"LET GO OF ME!" I yell, struggling to be set free. Their grip, tightening. Causing me to wince in pain.

Laughing, the boy grabs me by the hair, pushing me to the ground.

It didn't stop after that. The three then started to kick, pull, and punch me all over my body. And all I did was let it happen. I was too weak to be able to do anything.

Spitting at me, the three eventually walk away. Leaving me on my own.

Taking deep breath's to try and stop the pain, I force myself to try and get up. My leg's and arm's, shaking none-stop.

Looking up, all I saw was just dad watching me. No emotion showing in his face of his.

Getting inside the car, I buckle in my seatbelt. My whole body felt like I was in fire. I was in so much pain.

'Why didn't dad get out of the car, and came to help me-'

"This is all your fault." Dad says, starting to drive, looking at the road.

I didn't do what I was told. I didn't stick up for myself

 I didn't stick up for myself

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