Chasing Pavement [ o4 ]

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                                  Goad Me



Chasing Pavement

[ o4 ]

My body instantly reacted without my conscious thought telling it to. My hands groped around in the back of the car as I locked gazes with the thing outside. Don’t break eye contact with it, the intruder. It was a guy, not even thirty yet, in all black, trying to jimmy the lock on the passenger’s side of the door. I could see the guy’s eyes widen as he finally processed that the car was, in fact, occupied and not abandoned. That he couldn’t strip the car down because the owner was actually there, even if I wasn’t the owner per say. But he didn’t need to know that. He was frozen with the metal strip down the window’s crack.

     My fingers curled around something that felt like a stick and I brought it out to my chest and shook it at the intruder, starting up another scream—this time a warriors cry. Subconsciously, all I could think was, where’s Liam, where’s Liam…

     The intruders gaze landed on the object in my hands briefly and his face actually relaxed. He threw back his head and laughed loudly at the thing. It was so loud that it vibrated through the doors. Irked at his non- terrified attitude, I looked at the object in my hand. I clenched my jaw tightly as I saw that it was one of Anna’s black spikes. In frustration, I threw the shoe at the window which made the intruder jump slightly.

     Suddenly, the guy’s head whipped around and he looked over his shoulder. He took off quickly down the road and then veered off to the right, into the corn fields. I just stared after the guy, wondering if this trip could get any crazier. Liam ripped out of nowhere as the guy ducked into the field. My blond savior saw the tail end of the guy and without thinking, took off after him in a fast dash. Suddenly, I felt scared again.

     What if he doubled back to finish the job while Liam was lost in the corn fields.

     Without thinking, I threw the back seats door open and stood up, leaning heavily on the door. “Wait, Liam, come back.” I saw Liam stop and swivel his head back to me. Indecision crossed his face as he looked between me and the entrance that the guy took into the field. “Don’t leave into there.” I said pathetically, trying to sway his decision. Finally, Liam started his walk back to his car. I could see his shoulders tense, ready for any surprises though. “Thanks.” I sat down on the seat of the car and hung my legs out of the side.

     The guy had left his metal thing in the crack of the front window. Liam saw this and reached for it with a questioning look. “Stop.” I said a little too loud with my hand outstretched, ready to stop him. Liam froze and looked to me, raising an eyebrow. I pulled my hand away and rested it lamely on my thighs. “He might have left his finger print, or something.” I tried to recall if the guy had worn gloves but I just couldn’t look away from his eyes. They were a dark color, almost black in tint.

     Liam pulled away from the thing with a nod of agreement and walked to the spot right in front of me. “What happened exactly?” Liam asked forcefully, giving me a no- nonsense look. “I heard your scream.”

     I breathed out through my nose noisily. “Well, I thought you had come back but when I looked up I saw this guy in black trying to jimmy the locks.” I waved in the general direction of the passenger’s side door. Liam leaned back against the open door and crossed his ankles and over his chest, his arms. “I think he thought the car was just sitting here, empty. But then he saw me.” I was not going to tell him about how I tried to protect myself with Anna’s heals. That was embarrassing. I felt a blush color my face in remembrance as I moved on. “And then he took off into the corn fields.” I gave a lame shrug.

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