Part 5

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“Heeseung-hyung? I thought we wouldn’t see you until- why are you naked?” Sunoo found Heeseung sitting on the floor in a corner of the living room, curled in and possibly panicking.

“I did something stupid,” Heeseung whispered, but it was loud enough for Sunoo.

“I can see that,” Sunoo pointed at him, on the floor, naked.

“Why does it smell of rut here?” Jake walked in behind Sunoo, who just pointed at the mess that was Heeseung on the floor. “Why are you on the floor?”

Heeseung curled further into himself, hugging his knees as close to his chest as he could. “Horrible, I did something horrible… to Sunghoon.”

“You hurt him?” Jake seemed ready to punch him, Heeseung would have let him.

However, Sunoo noted how Heeseung seemed to coward away when he heard Jake’s protective tone. He noticed how Heeseung was not behaving all strong, angry alpha like he had when his rut had started. But he was definitely still in rut. He squinted his eyes suspiciously, what had happened that got him like that.

“Okay, on with it, what did you do?” Sunoo asked crossing his arms, Heeseung didn’t want to tell them, didn’t want them to hate him too. But they would know sooner or later anyway.

May as well get kicked out of the group earlier.

“I… c-claimed him,” again, he whispered, it was as if his voice didn’t want to come out. He didn’t want to say it out loud so maybe it wouldn’t be true.

“What do you mean you claimed him?” Sunoo sounded mad, Heeseung understood.

“Didn’t mean to…” he almost sobbed, “it’s my fault, I knew… and I still… I was doing so well and not- but then I just… I fucked up so badly…”

Heeseung hid his face, he wanted to disappear. When Sunghoon suggested they helped each other, he knew it was a bad idea, he knew he wouldn’t be able to resist. Sunghoon was so pretty, so unfairly beautiful and nice and everything Heeseung wanted but couldn’t have. And yes, he was particularly aggressive during his rut and he really didn’t want to hurt the omega, but he also doubted he would be able to stop himself from claiming him if he just had him there. It sounded awful, he felt awful, Sunghoon deserved so much more. He deserved to be properly courted and pampered and taken care of. He deserved everything and Heeseung took all of that from him.

Heeseung could try to take care of him, he could try to give Sunghoon all the things he deserved, but he still had claimed him by force and he’d never be able to give him the opportunity to choose. Heeseung had ruined that for him and he wouldn’t blame Sunghoon if he hated him. He almost had no doubt that, once his heat was over, Sunghoon would resent him, at the very least.

God, his heart broke when he saw Sunghoon started to cry. He had caused that, he made him cry and smell distressed. He was the worst.

“Heeseung, I swear I’ll-” Jake tried to get closer and, a bit reluctantly, Sunoo stopped him.

“Calm down,” He told him even though Sunoo was probably as furious as him, “listen, I don’t care what you are thinking, you need to go back in there.”

“But-” Sunoo put up a hand stopping him.

“No, you don’t understand.” Sunoo pointed at Sunghoon’s room, “you left your newly claimed omega, alone, while in heat,” Heeseung whimpered at the thought of how painful that must be for Sunghoon. “You are still in your rut and he’s still in heat and you can solve all this after that’s done with.”

Heeseung hesitated, “I can’t…” he couldn’t face Sunghoon, not while he was in heat and still wanted Heeseung even though the real Sunghoon probably despised him.

“Oh, yes you can,” Sunoo was, in that moment, scary. “You’ll go in there and comfort the hell out of your omega before you do damage you really can’t reverse.”

He wanted to protest, Sunoo had no idea what was going on. Heeseung had already done irreversible damage. Jake finally calmed down, at least a bit, as he exhaled frustrated. He obviously wanted to protect one of his best friends, and Heeseung didn’t blame him. He was glad Sunghoon had so many people that cared for him, that could help him recover from what Heeseung had done.

“Hyung, I respect you,” he started startling Heeseung, “and as mad as I may be right now, you have to go in there with Sunghoon.” Heeseung looked up at him from the floor, “I would have killed you already, but he needs you.” Heeseung opened his mouth to deny that, Sunghoon did not need him.

“If you say he doesn’t need you I will kick you,” Sunoo warned him, “just go in there and fix this, every second you spend away from him you are hurting him more.”

And yet still, Heeseung doesn’t move. He knew they were right, but he was terrified and ashamed of himself. If only he had been stronger, if he could have resisted for a bit longer, if he had said no when Sunghoon asked. But how could he deny anything to Sunghoon, he was a weak, weak alpha. He had no control over himself, he had no control over his instincts. He was disgusting and everything Sunghoon shouldn’t have to deal with.

Jake rolled his eyes, walked forwards towards Heeseung and grabbed him by one arm. “Come on, hyung,” he said as he pulled him up and started dragging him back to Sunghoon’s room.

“I saw more than I wanted,” Sunoo said covering his eyes, “at least Sunghoon was definitely satisfied.”

Heeseung blushed but let himself be pulled back to Sunghoon’s room. At the door, Jake looked him straight in the eyes, like he was judging him, scrutinizing him. Or maybe he was arguing with himself, trying to find reasons not to hit Heeseung.

“I can smell how overwhelmingly sad he is from here, if you fuck this up again I’m not letting Sunoo stop me.” Heeseung nodded, even if he doubted he could fuck it up more than he already did. Honestly, he didn’t understand why they were doing this, but he did know he’d have to at least stay with Sunghoon until his heat was over.

Jake opened the door for him and pushed him inside. Somehow, Heeseung was grateful for that, he doubted he would have walked in himself. He zeroed in on Sunghoon, he was lying inside the nest, curled into a ball, crying while he hugged himself. Jake closed the door just as Heeseung felt his heart fall all the way to his stomach, breaking into a thousand pieces. Why had he let his omega alone? Even if he had claimed him without consent, he shouldn’t have left. At least not until Sunghoon was back in his right mind.

“Sunghoon…” he walked closer to the nest, he could see how Sunghoon was trembling in there, “oh, baby, I’m so sorry…” slowly, he stood next to Sunghoon, waiting for him to turn and look at him.

“I-I’m not g-good for alpha…” he sobbed, “I’m u-useless…” Heeseung didn’t wait anymore, he got into the nest and held Sunghoon close to his chest.

“No, Sunghoon, you are not useless,” he whispered softly, “you are perfect for me, baby, perfect.”

Heeseung was glad Sunghoon wasn’t resisting his touches, he was even getting closer to him. Sunghoon nuzzled against him as he kept crying, Heeseung patted his hair and kept whispering sweet things. It took a while for Sunghoon to calm down, but Heeseung didn’t let go even when he had stopped crying and shaking.

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