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"So she won't talk to me but she will talk to her? Why not me? Why her? I want her to talk to me only." I thought in my head and gripped my bracelet in frustration

Why is Jen so happy now that shes with Rosie? Is she not happy with me? Did I do something wrong? Please talk to me Jen.

I see how much Rosie and Jennie are close but it's clearly different from how our relationship is. I love Rosie and she's one of my best friends but can she back off? That's my best friend. Why was Jennie upset and pushed me away?

My thoughts got cut off when someone called me.

"Lisa?" Rosie called out and I looked her way

Fuck did they catch me staring?

"Oh hi guys! I didn't know you were here! I was just looking for Jen because dance is about to start," I lie and walk over to them

"What are you guys doing? Why are you on the floor on top of each other?" I question while mentally scoffing at their position

"O-oh this? We were just playing around nothing more." Jennie stuttered and quickly got up

"Yeah it's nothing.." Rosie muttered

"Oh my gosh mandu you have dirt on your face lemme wipe that off!" Rosie says and wiped her cheek with her thumb

"Oh thanks Rosie" Jennie smiled and she smiled back

Wow so it's like I'm not even here huh!

"Okay thank you Chae, I'm gonna be taking Jennie now, bye bye!" I say with a fake smile and drag Jennie to class

Jennie tried to wriggle her wrist out my hand but I only gripped harder in anger.

"Ow! Lis that hurts! Let go!" Jennie hisses in pain and I stop to turn around

I let go of her wrist and crossed my arms with red cheeks but dark eyes. Jennie gently puts her hands on my crossed arms and grabbed my wrists. She holds them in her hands gently and holds them in front of me.

"Lisa? What's wrong?" Jennie asked in concern but I just shrugged and didn't look at her

"What's wrong hm? You seem upset and I know you wouldn't hurt me purposely. Tell me what's wrong princess." Jennie softly says and I quietly put my face into her neck

"It's nothing" I mumble and just leave my face into her neck

"I'm always here for you Lis, I'm your b-best friend remember?" Jennie softly says and I nod

I feel like I'm home when I do this. She just smells so soft but also a little husky at the same time. Almost like a oak tree but with a hint of strawberries at the same time. My past boyfriends and future ones will never feel like home like Jennie does. Her future girlfriend will be so lucky, I almost envy her.

"Lisa are you okay? You're gripping onto my shirt pretty hard there," Jennie pulls out and I look at her in embarrassment

"No No I'm okay now... thanks to you." I smile and take her hand in mine

"Let's go! We'll be late to class!" I cheer and drag her gently to our next class

She giggles next to me and starts running along with me. I glance a little behind me and see Rosie who looks like she's thinking. Her lips are pursued and her eyebrows are a little raised. I smirk a little and continue running to class with Jennie beside me.

Mine. Not Rosie's. Mine.


a/n: Hmm Lisayah.... seems like we have a jealous girlfriend 🤗🤗

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