You almost die again - Chapter Two

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Random video i chose man idk

So many typos in the first chapter ew.
There will be more.
Ok anyways readers pov

"Since the light switched on, it's probably best if I look for a spot to HIDE.. " I spoke to myself.

Like there was anyone else to talk to anyways.

I started making my way around all the displays of different furniture. They were so neat. So.. homey, but it felt so artificial. Obviously.

A living room..

A bedroom..


A kitchen.

Oh gosh was I hungry. I haven't realized the hungry sensation I had in my stomach.
It hurt.

It must have been days since I've eaten.

I should look for food... but what are the odds of finding good food at this rate?
I'll probably end up rotting away in one of these nice displays if I don't find some grub soon.

.. well I don't want that to happen.

I started running as fast as I could again.
Even if my eyelids were threatening to close.
I had used up all my energy when I was running from those monsters.

That wasn't smart.
I ended up tripping again, I was feeling dizzy.

I love not using common sense!

I'm being sarcastic.
Why can't I be smart?

Obviously if I haven't eaten, why would I think it's the right idea to use up the rest of my energy.

I groan, I prop my body up on a nearby.. counter?

My arms slid around the surface, maybe.. just maybe.

My fingers touch a circular object.
It felt smooth.

I grab it and bring it towards my eyes.

Holy crap.


"What are the odds? THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE.. INCREDIBLE! " I scream as if this is the most hilarious thing ever. I need to sleep so bad I'm going insane over an apple.

I literally hate apples.

My legs wobble as I stand up, leaning against the counter.

The counter had .. fresh produce scattered around.


I grabbed as many fruits as I could, stuffing them into my backpack that was basically falling apart at this point.



I was practically crying at this point.
So embarrassing.

I take a bite into an apple before zipping up my bag, smiling as if this were some gourmet meal. It was a win win, apples have some water in em so it would help with my thirst a bit.

As I finish, I throw the core behind me, man that was good. I guess.

I should just take a second, get my energy up.
(And to stop crying)
I looked around myself, it was foggy, and I could barely hear anything. It was very quiet.
I hate that. I can literally hear my ears ringing.
As my eyes scanned across the endless abyss of an IKEA, I saw some wood planks.

Yknow like those things workers would use to move larger items?
I don't know what they are called and I don't care.
I could use those to make my... base?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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