Untitled Part 7

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Huh? Where am I? Micheal and I, Lynn Mose, was suddenly transported to part of the mansion near the library, then, suddenly, Andie was pulling my arm, and said,"Lady Lynn, Kinny and Neci are fighting in the library! You must stop them! Neci is blood-mad!". What? Fighting? I quickly ran in, and... I was shocked to see Neci in her demon form in front of Kinny! I stood in front of Kinny, and yelled,"Lady Neci Mose! What is the meaning of this?". Neci yelled,"What is the meaning of THIS!",then she threw the book of the lands history to my feet. I looked at the book then back to Neci, and asked,"What is wrong, Neci? What troubles you?" then, she yelled,"Don't play dumb with me, you hypocrite! You let those people died!". So, she read what happened to those poor people by the hands of those cruel and ruthless autocrats. I wish she didn't, but, we can't keep stuff like that secret from our people or families; they have the right to know what happened those many dark years, and hopefully learn from them. "Neci."I said, standing firmly infront of Kinny and blocking Neci from him,"That happened many years ago. You know, your father and I are not like those tyrants. I only heard of what happened from Kinny. Also, Neci, what would Laban be like if he saw you having this fight right now?". I didn't want to have to bring him up, but it might be the only thing to bring her to her senses. We all respected him and his protection. I saw Neci slowly look away from us and, she... Wait! Shit! She's running away! I looked at Micheal and said,"Quick! Go to The Von Skulls and see if they can fly you to Neci!",and as Micheal agreed, he ran off, then I looked at Andie, and asked in a commanding voice,"Can you teleport?", and he looked at me a lil scared and slightly nodded, then I grabbed Kinny and Andie, then said,"Take me to my daughter!"then he tried to speak, but I quickly yelled,"Now!". It seems he teleported us somewhere in a field from what looks like 15 or 10 miles from the kingdom. I looked at Andie, who looked like he been running laps, fell to the ground trying to catch his breath. That must take him a lot of energy to do, but I need him to find my daughter now. She co- Suddenly, I saw The Wolf Brothers and they ran to us with what appears to be some kind of fresh game. I asked,"Why are you out here?" then, Howlin said,"We was hunting for mor- Wait! Why are you here, and what's Father and Andie doing out here?",then, I quickly said,"We are looking for Neci. We had an argument and she ran off! I ordered for Micheal to try and find her up high with hopefully the help of Alair. We have no time to waste, Howlin! Can you find her scent?". I hope they can; figure they could cause they are part wolf after all. I saw them both sniff the air trying to find the sent. I hope they find it soon; I'm very worried about my dear princess. I wish she didn't have to know that part of the lands history. I looked at Andie, and as he was catching his breath, I asked,"Andie, what do you see in us with now knowing what happened in the past? Do you think we are evil?", then, he looked at me and finally getting enough energy to stand up, replied,"Why would I think that, Lynn? I see your kingdom as a wonderful Eutopia. Sure, there's thieves here and there, but you always give them second chances and no one seems to want to harm anyone; at least none that I saw. You judge people fairly and justly, and let people be who they want without the use of some law or religion to try, and justify something cruel.". I looked at him and started to cry, then asked,"Then why do I feel like I'm the world worst mother right now?". I couldn't hold it anymore! I had to cry. I took hold of Kinny and he held me and said,"I feel awful too, dear. I know we should've told her sooner.". Howlin and Wolfe said they found the scent, but then we saw Allair flying to us carrying Neci. I couldn't believe he found her! I ran to him but was shocked to see she was covered in blood! I saw her eyes was black! I remember that look! That's the look she had when that Warrick guy returned to the kingdom. Oh god! She must be depressed! I ordered they all rush her to the hospital! I saw Sharp and Micheal with some horses, and as I got one of them, I ordered we quickly head to Sharon! Please be okay, baby! Don't die on me like this! We got Neci to Sharon and Lon and they were shocked at what they saw and rushed her to the emergency room immediately. Sharon told us to wait outside.We waited for what felt like hours and I was holding Kinny's hand, feeling like I just shot someone I cared about in the heart. I went into deep thought, wondering what will happen if Neci is too mentally destroyed to run the kingdom, or even raise a family with Howlin. What if goes into a coma? What.. What if she... I started tearing up more, but Kinny held my hand tightly, and said,"She will be fine Hunny.", then I looked at him as he spoke,"She's strong and tough. She'll be fine and come outta this."but, though what he said was comforting, I asked,"But.. what if she doesn't love us anymore after what she has experienced, or what she has learned? You saw how she was-"then, suddenly, Howlin interpreted us, asking,"What are you going on about, Mother?" then, we told him about what happened, and he said,"Are these tyrants dead, Mother?" then, I said after finally drying my tears,"Yes, Howlin. We had no choice, but to execute them. We tried giving them second chances, or offering to rehabs, but nothing worked, and they just spat in the face of our kindness. So, they had to die. I personally behead them. I didn't want to do it, but it had to be done. With the exception of Warrick, The Fatalities are the only other executions we ever had to do. We don't want to harm anyone unless they are a threat to the kingdom.". I watched as Howlin was thinking then, Wolfe asked,"Do your subjects trust you?" then, I replied,"I hope they do. I've given them all I can to make them happy. I let them even practice their own religions as long they don't force it onto others or cause riots among the people.", suddenly, we saw Neci stumbling through the door, looking like she's had too much to drink. "Mother..." she spoke to me tiredly," I-I'm sorry. I-I.." suddenly, she almost fell to the floor, but Howlin quickly caught her, and Sharon and Lon came rushing in, and Sharon said,"She's just tired and low on energy after from what I see after going through a rage fit. She'll be fine as long as she rests for a few days." then, Neci said tiredly,"R-Rest? Ha! I-I am-"them, she yawned as she tried to stand, but almost fell again, and as Howlin carried her, he said,"Hun, you're in no condition to be walking around. We must get you to bed.". As we walked to Neci's room, she said,"Sorry for how I acted, Father and Mother. I didn't understand what had happened, or hear the full story. I just didn't think it was fair for that to happen to those people. I..I felt like you weren't standing up for them." then, Kinny said,"But, we did stand up for them, Neci. Had we done it out in the open or too soon, Hank or Bessie could've sent the guards on me, and executed me. I had to wait until I had enough time to get others in the rebellion to sneak in, and outnumber them. Only then, was I able to overthrow them, and take the throne.".We finally got to her room and rested her on her bed, and I sat next to her and held her hand, and she smiled at me. I then said,"I'm sorry we didn't tell about that." then, I looked to Andie, then said"I'm also must apologize to you, Sir Andie. I should've told you what happened, but I hope you can still stay and maybe help us with this problem. I want our people to trust us."then, Andie, who must be a lil surprised, then said,"I do hope I can be of help, Lady Lynn, though, I currently don't know what we can do to let them know that..."suddenly, John spoke,"Easy. I can be your spokesman!". I saw Andie gave him a befuddled look, and then Kinny said,"What he means is, we think maybe you can help give the people courage to open up and tell us-"suddenly, John came running in with banners and signs. Suddenly, Neci tiredly spoke,"John. Stop. Ju- Just.. stop. I don't think Andie can handle so much pressure on his shoulders with wanting to understand himself and trying to understand our crisis. It will be up to him to choose if he's wanting to be the face of our cause.". Neci is right. It is his choice, then I asked, "What do you think, Andie?". We looked at him and looking away he went into thought, and I do hope he can help us, cause we need his assistant to bring out people closer to our hearts. He then looked at us and said,"I am sorry, my friends, but I can't help you. I only just learned that I am a man, and must take time for me to understand.". John kneeled to him and said,"I will join you in your journey, Sir Andie.", and Andie looked at him with a face of indifference, and I said,"John, why do you want to join him? You're not gay or even a transsexual. You know what you are."then, he stood up and said with arms crossed,"Why should that stop me from protecting him?"then, Andie said,"I don't need protection, John. Why must you think I can't protect myself with my magic? I have become stronger, and once I fully change to a man I will be stronger than before. I will-" then, John asked,"What about emotionally?".He stared at him and I walked beside John, and asked,"What do you mean, John? Are you saying he's not ready for things like love?" then, Neci said,"No, Mother. He just wants to make sure no one tries to manipulate him with these new emotions he's going through. Especially, if he gets surgery and take hormone medicines, it might change him a lil. He'll need someone to steer him on the right path. And, I think Ko Fee should be your guard in your journey?"then, John quickly looked at her and asked,"Wait, why not me, Neci?" then, she said,"John, you're mad. You're sometimes hard to deal with; especially when your drunk off your ass. Andie's sanity would be shot before you even get to his village. Ko Fee is also more skilled than you at fighting and is more likely to take something like this seriously. Also, she needs to get out more and maybe she can help the guardian if they find him or that caretaker lady.".

I thought,"Good job, Neci. You're taking your future role as queen very seriously.",but then I thought, "Why not Ko Fee? He seems stronger and better suited for this kind of thing.". I decided to not think much of it and figured she has a good reason.

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