Love and pain go hand in hand

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(So I apologize in advance for any tears that may come after reading. Also warning the person that usually edits my grammar refused to feel the pain of reading again so don't pay any attention to any grammar mistakes, English is not my mother language)

  After 2 year's of trying to get Lumine back to him and failing each and every time, Aether had became more and more numb. Other's didn't notice it and the one's that did, chose to ignore it, assuming it was a temporary ting and will go away soon, because he's always happy so it must have just been a bad day is all.

  Aether was still becoming more and more numb and it was harder to bounce back to the happy persona he showed to other's. The only one helping him was Xiao, by always taking the time to listen, comforting him whenever he could even if he didn't know what he was doing.

   Day after day those suffocating feelings consumed him making him more and more numb. He had stopped reacting to the pain that he had been inflicted during every battle. Pymon, though knew everything, didn't say anything, since no one listens to her. She tired to help Aether, but he pushed her away, just like he did everyone else.

  Though being alone was painful he didn't mind much, since despite leaving everyone without a word to go on a walk he only thought about the pain his sister had caused him. She chose to stay away , she chose to abandon him, she was his most important person and Lumine had abandoned him. The one thing that kept him from ending it all was Xiao who always came when Aether was feeling down.

  Xiao had explained once that when he forms a deep connection with a person it's like a string attached to his soul and if he focused he can feel what the other person was feeling and the other way around. That's how he knows if Aether was having a ruff day and came to comfort him every time.

  After about a month of being comforted by Xiao daily and coming to terms with his sister desigion, he's started healing, be it slowly, but he was healing. Up until that day. Xiao had to leave for a while and would not be able to see Aether for some time and only asked to look out for himself while he was gone.

  Of course life for some reason decided to hate him and while walking around within the mountain range he had ran into Lumine.


" No brother, I still believe that what I'm doing is right and will not be coming with you"

" Do you hate me that much Lumine, why are you doing this to me!"

"No, brother , I am doing this for us"

"I don't believe you"

"You don't need to, after all is done you'll understand"

"That doesn't change the fact that you abandoned me"

  The only sound they could hear was the beautiful sounds the trees made while small gusts of wind came. In that moment Aether had fully broken, he had no reason to live, his sister hated him or so it seemed, there for the life he had up until this point searching for his sister and after finally finding her being abandoned by her. Nothing mattered anymore and in that moment he decided to end it all.

"Lumine for as long as I remember we were together and after we got separated, all I needed in life, was to find you and love you, like I used to, but you had stopped loving me and so I see no point anymore"

"What are you..."

  Lumines voice was no longer the monotone one she had used it had some shock to it , while the same thing happens with her expressionlessly features. As she looked at her beloved brother she had seen him broken his eyes empty and his figure slowly getting closer to the edge behind him.

"For my last act in this life, I'm going to fucking kill myself"

And then he let the wind push his body to the direction of the cliff side and he fell.


  Thad was the desperate plead of his sister who had followed right after him down the cliff, but unlike him she was caught by a figure not clear enough to see properly. As the air was filled with Lumines despair, pain and cries, memories of all that was good started flashing in Aether's eye's as the saying goes right before death comes one's life flashes before there eye's as if reflection's of there action's and deciding whether they had been good or bad. As Aether's body hit the ground he welcomed death peaceful walk besides him like an old friend.

  Just a moment before Aether decided to jump Xiao felt as if his heart was tearing into pieces, this got him worried, but when he could finally reacts and go to Aether it was to late. The connection they had was broke and this time it was much to painful to much too painful to bear all on your own. He started gasping for air clenching his chest as if to stop the pain, which it didn't help. Moments later after a few conserved people had gone over to him and the pain had gotten bearable, without and explanation he disappointed and went straight to Aether.  
"No no no no no no no no no"

"Why?!" Please. No!"

With he's knees on the ground where the body of his beloved as still as a statue and as pale as a ghost he started feeling a pain in his chest but this time it was different from what it was severing the bond, it was pure pain. Xiao reached for the boy laying on the ground and pulled him close to a tight hug not paying attention to all the blood, praying that this was all just a nightmare but feeling the Aether still warm body become colder by the minute and is normally fluttering heart staying still he began to cry sounds a agony his eyes where so full of tears he could no longer see anything.

   While moarning the loss of  the one person he had grown to love in the past 500 year's if not ever his entire life. He started to feel like being stabbed repeatedly up until he decided to actually do so himself not wanting to live in a world where HE didn't exist, a word without Aether, wasn't one he was willing to live in.

    Xiao took out a pocket blade he had always carried but never used before and stabbed himself right though the heart.

"I'm coming to see you, Aether"

  Those where his last words and as Xiao's body fell right net to Arther's he smiled only thinking of sending that beautiful smile in the afterlife where he would do everything in his power to find Aether and never let go.

   Both of the boys work up, they both had broken into cold sweat, then they looked a each other realizing they had both had the exact same nightmare. Aether was used to the first part of the dream after Lumine had seemingly abandoned him, but what happened later when Xiao couldn't live without him and took his own life the pain he feels after Aether had died in his own dream, it had made him cry and hug Xiao who was still in shock after the dream no noticing he himself was quietly crying and holding his breath.

" I-I'm sorry I never want you to feel that tipe of pain Xiao. Sorry, sorry, sorry...."

Xiao had stopped Aether form continuing with his apology by hugging him back and squirting him tight.

"No I'm the one who's sorry. I should have saved you and dream or not what I did must never happen it would only course you pain and I never again want to make you feel that way "

   And so they clung to each other for hours not moving just holding one another so tightly as if they would never see each other again and before they had noticed they had fallen into a deep sleep but this time instead of a nightmare they where happily traveling together hand in hand.

  The sleeping boy's where smiling happy both it there dream and in each other arms still hugging each other like it was the end of the world and nether of the wanted to let go.

Love and pain go hand in hand||Xiao X Aether Where stories live. Discover now