Chapter 1... Alcor Cipher

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(Hi, I'm so sorry I haven't been publishing on here, I'm having some trouble writing. Read my other books while waiting or something :')

~Two years later~

Over the time, Alcor has gotten used to being in his demon form and mastered his powers. Both his parents are pretty proud of their little boy improving his skills pretty fast.

Lately, they've been trying to get Sona to improve his powers as well. It's a slow process, but it's like teaching a stubborn child a lesson who doesn't want to learn.

Other than that. Alcor feels he is pretty much trained. Of course, there's still a whole lot more to learn, but, they got all the time he needs.

A few weeks ago, Bill and Will figured that Alcor would be ready to start traveling through other dimensions. Of course, when told, Alcor was beyond excited to go with his parents.

They didn't go through too too many dimensions. Just a few, such as, Fight Falls (where everyone having to fight to survive), Spiritual Falls (Dipper and Mabel are priest/nuns), Nightmare Falls (Evil version of Gravity falls), Monster Falls (Everyone in Gravity falls are monsters), and Forgotten Falls (Dipper was kidnapped by Bill at a young age and raised).

They even went to the Nightmare Realm, Bill's dimension. (Since Bill and Will live in the mindscape, Alcor never actually been in the Nightmare Realm.) However tho, because of Bill's dimension, Alcor has became curious of how Will's dimension looked.

Alcor begged for his Mother to show him his Dimension. Will hesitated each time Alcor would ask. He wasn't sure if he should bring Alcor into his Dimension or not. Will believes it would be a great idea to show him but, at the same time, Will fears the Gleeful family. Like, what if they find him and keep him as a servant such as himself? Or use Alcor to their benefits... Will doesn't want that to happen but it might just be him being anxious about everything... It doesn't hurt to be a little worried for their child.

After a few months of begging here and there, Will eventually gave in.

The next time Will was needed, he'll take Alcor with.

And with that time, Alcor gets to meet the younger Gleeful twins.


I DIDN'T PROOFREAD ANY OF THIS so if there's any mistakes such as spelling errors, grammar errors and anything of such. I'll come back and fix it.

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