Chapter 3... Telepathy Tent

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Alcor's Pov:

Exploring the forest here is quite different from where it was back in Gravity Falls.

The gnomes here are actually tiny Elf's and are quite skiddish, the unicorns here, are Alicorns and they are really nice for some reason, there's no such thing as Muti-bear but there's a Tri-lion here... There's even a monster called the Stays-Infront. (Which were very annoying, since it wouldn't let you see Infront of you.)

I wrote down everything I seen, all the information. I want to know everyone's weakness but I know I shouldn't exactly get involved with this dimension. I'll just ask my Mother...
As I was walking with Sona trailing behind me, I've heard something in the background in front of us. I look down at Sona and smiled, " Sona, I hear some music coming from over there," I pointed at where I believe the music is coming from, " Let's go check it out. It could be fun."

Sona made a face and shook his head. I giggled, " Oh, come on, Sona. What's the worst that could happen..." I picked up Sona and headed over towards the music.
It took about 30 minutes to finally find the place. I got lost since I didn't quite know where I was going... But, once I did, I found out that the music came from in a tent. There was no line, so I went straight in. People was there left and right chatting amongst themselves, having a good time.

I looked up front, it seems to be a stage. " Oh, I think there's going to be a show coming up soon.." I mumbled, while looking for a seat. I found one at the third row, in the middle, below the stage. Seems like a good spot...

I sat down and waited, brushing Sona's coat.

As I was waiting I suddenly felt a faint feeling deep within me. I shivered and glanced at Sona, who eyes are closed and purring.

' What is this feeling?' It left as quick as it came. It was short but it left me wondering what just happened.

' I sorta really want to go and find out what this feeling is coming from.' I looked around the place. 'On second thought, maybe I shouldn't.. there's too many people here, someone would get suspicious.'

I sighed and jumped when I heard someone's voice,

" Well, Howdy there Stanger! Couldn't help but noticed. I've never seen you around here before. Are you new?"

I looked over and seen 2 people standing next to me. Up front is a female with a large smile on her face, Braces, long Blonde hair up into a Ponytail, and wearing what looks like cute Hippie Clothes. The other was a shorter male with a nervous smile on his face, Freckles, White-ish Greyish hair. He's wearing a black and blue sweater outfit completed with a hat. The hat had a pentagram with an eye-shape placed in the center.

' Interesting' " ... Hello. Um, yeah. I am new here. I'm just visiting with my mother." They nodded their heads.

The girl started speaking, " Are these seats taken?" I shook my head and they proceeded to sit next to me on each side.

" Omg! That's a super adorable wittle fawn you have! Can I pet it?!" I looked at the female in confusion before looking at Sona, which nodded his head.

" Uh, sure. Just be careful. His name is Sona, by the way." The girl nodded her head quickly before reaching over to pet him.

She giggled as Sona purrs, " My name is Pacifica Southeast, it's nice to meet you, sir."

I scratched behind my head, " Uh, it's nice to meet you to. The names Alcor."
'I don't think it's wise to reveal my last name. So for now, just my first.'

" Alcor? That's a cute name. I like it." I nodded and looked over to my left to see the quiet nervous boy playing with his hands.

I decided to speak to him, " Hey, what's your name?" The boy looked at me in surprise before stammering, " O-oh! M-my name is G-Gideon... Gideon P-pines.." I nodded my head, " Well, it's nice to meet you Gideon, I'm Alcor."

" We are cousins! I come here to visit him every summer break with my pet chicken named Clucks." Pacifica giggled and went back to playing with Sona.

" Oh, okay."

After an awkward amount of no talking, I decided to get information about this place from the Gideon since Pacifica's busy with Sona.

" Hey Gideon?"

"U-um yes?"

" What is this place anyways? I was exploring around when I came across this tent."

" Oh.. Well, this tent is called The Tent of Telepathy. A set of twins runs this place and they're the main stars of the shows."

"Twins?" Gideon nodded his head,

" Yea.. Their names are M-Mabel and Tyrone 'Dipper' G-gleeful.. B-but don't call him Dipper... he doesn't like that." Alarms were going off in my head when I heard these names but I chose to ignore it.

" Uh, okay... What kind of shows do they run?"

Pacifica perked up, " Oh! That's the fun part! Just wait till the show starts, you'll find out real quick!"

Gideon lowered himself on his seat sightly and mumbled, " I don't necessarily enjoy their shows..."

This perked my interest, " Why's that?"

" Oh, don't worry about him. He just doesn't like being here because of Mabel. She has a HUGE crush on him." Pacifica giggled while Gideon blushes. She hands me back Sona while Gideon clears his throat before trying to speak again,

" It's- it's not only that, though. It's the way they-"


3rd POV:

Some person on the stage spoke out interrupting Gideon. Everyone seated quiet down and cheered.

" I see some old and new faces! Let's start by saying WELCOME! TO THE TENT OF TELEPATHY! Where real magic forms in many different ways. And in here, you get to see what possible ways that may be..."

'Ah, so they're magicians.'


As if on command Everyone stands and cheers. Alcor looked surprised as he felt his body move on its own.

" What the?"

A/N: I did not proof read it. Will fix mistakes afterwards.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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