I'll help you

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"Wake up"

My eyes fluttered open and I saw all 3 of them ready 

I shot up quickly, both surprised and confused

"I'm so sorry" 

"We got the bags ready and snacks for snack time" 

I smiled at them and kissed their foreheads "How long do we have left?"

"30 minutes" 

I quickly ran the shower and cleansed myself, after I got changed into black leggings and a hoodie 

"Ready?" I asked as I slung my bag over my shoulder 

"Ready" I helped Leah put on her bag and I placed the string on

"Hands" The boys gave me their hands and we started our walk 

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5" I sung 

"Once I caught a fish alive" Leah mumbled 

"6, 7, 8, 9, 10"

"Then I put it back again"  Landon sung 

"Why did you let it go?" I sung along with them

"Because it bit my finger so" Brandon joined it 

"Which finger did it bite?" 

"This little finger on my right" They all sung cheerfully as we approached the school 

"Have a good day, go to your teachers" 

I smiled as they kissed my cheek one by one 

"Love you guys"

"Love you" They all said 

I put my hood up as dark thoughts invaded my brain, how am I supposed to survive with 3 children without mama's support, how am I supposed to fend for them, look after them, feed them, take care of them, and take care of myself aswell, I'm a lost cause

I walked into class and looked around for Lucas

"Where's Lucas?" I asked the girl next to me

"Did you not hear? He's going to kill himself, something along those lines" 

I stood up slowly and tilted my head 

"When?" I questioned in a low tone

"He's in the library, maybe you can save him" She shrugged "He keeps on going on about how he's worried about you" 

I ran out the classroom and towards the library, I shook the door knob but it was locked 

"Lucas let me in" I screamed as I banged on the door 

"Lucas" Tears flooded my eyes as imagines of mama reappeared

The door clicked twice and I opened it quickly 

"Lucas" I whispered gently, his eyes were red showing signs of him crying previously, and his bags were colored purple and black telling me that he hasn't been getting any sleep. At all

"Where were you?" He asked me in a low tone 

"I'm so sorry, so much has happened"

"Where were you?" He repeated

"You want to know?" I shouted as the anger I kept bottled up came tumbling out "My mum's dead" I cried out as tears rolled down my face

"I have to look after my 3 siblings by myself" I broke down in tears as I watched him walk towards me 

He surprisingly pulled me into a hug "I'll help you" 

"I can't deal with this anymore" My legs finally gave out on me, the only thing separating me from the floor was Lucas's arms

"I will help you"

"You'll give up" I argued back 

"I will help you" He whispered as he caressed my hair gently "I promise" 

"I'll take you up on that"

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