Lunch time

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The rest of my classes crawled by so slowly. Finely it was lunch I got a sub 1% milk and an apple. (I get an apple so often my music teacher calls me snow white). I sat in my usual spot with Britney and Luna. We talked till Jason came and grabbed Britney's shoulder as she was talking, resulting in a little scream. Luna laughed and pointed. "Dude not cool" Britney giggled. Hey Luna, Jason said sitting down, wheres Tristen? I'm not his keeper and me and him still are not dating! Luna was always on edge I thought, Britney is bossy but the best friend I could ask for. Me well I'm an odd ball I'm sorta boring or plain. I watched as Jason gave Britney a kiss and Luna a hug before leaving. God this sucks I thought. Luna snatched away my apple while I was messing with the meat on my sub. Looking up I mumbled yeah sure you can have that sarcastically. I starred over the table in which the popular kids put together a little party for Amanda, the leader of the populars. God they almost sicken me, their all so fake. My mind was blank as I poked at my food I jumped as I heard a voice I recognized almost instantly. Looking back Kye sat alone on the phone with someone. After his call I looked at my two friends who where busy chatting away, I picked up my tray and sat beside him. He looked up and gave a half smile making his eyes light up. I didn't know you went to this school I questioned him. He nodded then looked away. You ok? I asked but he did not respond. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you I said. I stood to leave when he grabbed my hand and pulled me back down, No stay please he said dryly. Oh ok, is all I could think to say. Sorry but I don't talk much he said looking more worried than anything. So we sat and ate in silence.

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