End of the day

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The rest of lunch went by quickly. But Kye kept looking at me while I was trying to read the lunch bulletin board. He would look up and smile then look back at his food wearily. Finely I gave up on my mission of reading frustrated by my failure. Luna got up and walked over looking straight at me and said "where are you and ohhh who's this!?" I rolled my eyes visually annoyed. THIS, is none of your business, THIS is me spending time with a friend. I hissed angrily placing my hand over his making him shift uncomfortably. She giggled and walked away. Sorry I said pulling my hand away quickly. It's fine, I acutely didn't mind it he said giving a toothy grin. I punched him playfully, "see I told you you would talk ya just need time." The lunch bell rang and I walked to class. Algebra and geography went by surprisingly fast. I talked to luna and passed notes in algebra and finished ALL my homework. But soon enough the final bell rang. On the buss I sat alone, agin. I hardly ever sit with anyone sometimes a stranger or two will join me. Like I said I'm kinda a loner.


Sorry this one is short y'all but I'm also working on hopeless love so yeah.

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