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"Okay Mr. Mazoku I've been watching the new kid as you asked, now can you tell me why you want me doing this again? "

~~Mr. Mazoku~~

"Excellent Trouble, good!" "You are just keeping an eye on H because they are one of my recent experiments."

"I want you to make sure that those two kids (who are fused together), are doing okay/ adjusting to their new body."

"I also want you to make sure that their both getting used to, feeling comfortable in their new environment."

"So, I hope that answers your question towards why your doing this Ms. Grimm.


"Right!" "Well so far, I've seen them take a huge interest in science but not in any of their other classes."

"I'm also noticing that in their free time, their not really taking that time to talk to/getting to know anyone other than their room-mate Mamoru."

(So it seems like so far he's the one they spend most of their time with.)

"Also they have a ritual of staying up till midnight every night, studying chemistry."

"So, so far, that is all of the info I have to give to you."

"There's not really much exciting about them yet."

(In other wards their pretty much just like normal high school students.)

~~Mr. Mazoku~~

"Ah, good work Trouble, thank you for gathering this info."


"Okay, cool, but like when will I be able to have fun with them though?"

"Girls just wanna have fun you know!"

~~Mr. Mazoku~~

"Trouble, you know you have t be patient with this sort of thing!"

"Besides, I don't really think that H would be too found of your version of fun."


"Fine, I'll be patient, but I'm not gonna be happy with it."

"Also you do know that I find that comment, about my version of fun kinda offensive, right?"

~~Mr. Mazoku~~

"Ha!" "Alright, that will be all for now Trouble."

"Just keep me updated, okay?"


"Fine, I will." "Have a good day Mr. Mazoku!"'

~~Mr. Mazoku~~

... (Smiles)


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