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Without working tires, this car would be no use to me. I hopped out of the car and pulled my glock out of my bag, grasping it between my fingers, both hands on the trigger.

The handsome stranger stalked in my direction, also holding his gun, pointing it towards me.


"Don't play with me! I'll fucking shoot you!" I bellowed at the top of my lungs. The stranger stopped moving.

"Shoot me? After you stole my car? You're lucky you're still breathing" He yelled back at me, gripping the gun in his hands tighter.

"Fuck you!" I screached at him.

"Are you suicidal or something?" he questioned "Do you want to die, bitch?"

"What's going on here?" The rushed voice of a middle aged woman broke the chaotic tension, appearing from behind me to stand near the man with the gun.

"Alessandro, cosa sta succedendo?" she asked again, looking the man directly in his eyes. She must of been related to him. The similarities were uncanny. She appeard so similarly to him, had she been 20 years younger, I would have mistaken them as siblings.

They had the same plump lips, the same forest green eyes that shone so brightly they could blind you. Their noses distinctly identical. It was kinda creepy.

"Niente madre. Vai in casa" replied the voice of the demon in human form, who was still pointing his gun directly at me, staring into my sole with his glowing green orbs.

The woman looked frantically between the both of us, before stepping in my direction. I could see her through my peripheral vision, but my sight remained glued on the man she had adressed as Alessandro.

"My darling, I am so so sorry! Please forgive my son. He has clearly forgotten his manners! I did not raise him to be so disrespectful" her Italian accent shone through, adopting a scolding tone.

"Disrespectful!?" he scoffed "Mamma, she stole from me. She's a thief!"

"And she's also a woman! And I will not tolerate you using such foul language to address a female, especially one as beautiful as this" she gestured towards me and I couldn't hold back my smile.

I slightly moved my head in a victory mocking towards Alessandro, but my smile came from the complement she had given me.


It had been a long time since another woman had called me beautiful, and there was something about receiving compliments from women that made it 100 times more special to me.

Although i'm not sure if she meant it or was just being polite, but I truly appreciated it.

"Mamma, spostati da lei ora" he turned to address me "I will shoot you if you don't put the gun down!"

Who does this man think i am?

"And I will shoot you if you don't put your gun down!" I shot back at him, glaring him down as hard as I could.

We stood there. Unmoving. Unwilling. For I don't know how long.

This is what happens when a stubborn person threatens another stubborn person.

I knew I was in danger. That I should have listened to him. That he was serious. But my incessant need to stand my ground outweighed my will to live, and in that very moment, I was prepared to die.

Now I know what you're probably thinking...

'Nitara, you don't need to die over a car'

'Nitara, is your pride really worth more than your life?'

The answer is yes.

Yes i do, and yes it is.

Of course, I would rather not loose my life tonight, but if that's what he was going to do, so be it.

I diverted my attention to the tall brunette who stood with her arms out to me, and in less than a second, i heard it. I felt it.


An insatiable burning pain in my body overwhelmed my senses.

My brain went into overdrive.

I felt a familiar scorching sensation in my stomach. Looking down, I saw red.


Sorry this is such a short chapter guys
Luv you all x
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