Chapter 1

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•·.·Twizzly's POV·.·•

I grumbled when I got arrested by Croissant

"Not again" I said angrily

"Just stop violating tbd guidelines" Croissant said

"Oh shut the fuck up"

"No. Anyways, time travel, WOOT!"

•·.·Timekeepers POV·.·•

I was doing paperwork in my office when I heard a knock on the door

"Come in" I said

Croissant opened the door and entered

"Director, I need you to decide the fate of someone" She sighed

"Do they keep on violating tbd guidelines?" I asked


"Alright.. Take me to them"

When she took me to the criminal's cell, my heart started racing

"She also continues to escape" Croissant said

'She's so hot..'

I noticedy that her face got a little red

I turned to Croissant

"Let her go" I said

"What?" Croissant asked

"Let her go"


•·.·Twizzly's POV·.·•

'Did they just let me go..'

I quickly took out a time jumper and left

When I landed at my cousin Espresso's house, I sighed (btw i hc that espresso and twizzly are cousins)

I knocked on the door

"Long requests in writing, please. If it is short, state your business in under a minute" I heard Espresso say (btw i hc that espresso is nonbinary, so expect me to use they/them for them)

Then they opened the door

"Oh, hi Twiz" They said

"Hello" I smiled

Then a small cat brushed it's head against their leg

"You have a cat?" I asked

"Kind of. It's Almond's cat, but it just came through my window and acted like it lived here" They said

"Ohh. Anyways, I need to pick up Gumball now" (i hc that gumball is twizzly's son)

"Alright. He's playing with Firecracker right now, so I'll go tell him that your here" (i hc that firecracker is espresso's daughter bc its canon in the rp server im in)


Then they went back inside

The cat followed them

'They indirectly stole a cat. That's pretty funny'

Then they came back with Gumball

Gumball ran to me and hugged me

"How was it?" I asked

"It was fun!" He said


"Byee Gumball" I heard Firecracker say

"Bye!" Gumball said

Then we left

•·.·Timekeepers POV·.·•

'Why did I just let go of a criminal because she's hot'

'Am I in love..'

'Ugh.. To her, I'm just the director of the tbd.. There's no way she likes me back..'

'I'm so stupid..'

'These feelings are just so stupid..'

•·.·Twizzly's POV·.·•

'Why did I get butterflies in my stomach as soon as I saw the director..'

'..Could I be in love?'

'..No no.. No no no.. There's no way. They only see me as nothing but a criminal..'

'Unrequited love.. I hate it. I hate it so much'

"Uhh mom, are you ok?" Gumball asked

"Yeah I'm fine" I said

"You've been standing there for like 2 minutes"

"I'm just.. Deep in thought.. That's all"


'Yeah.. I'm definitely fine..'



486 Words

a/n omg i made a fanfic that isnt espresseleine for once. im surprised. espresseleine gives me life

(DISCONTINUED) In The Nick Of Time (Twizzly x Timekeeper)Where stories live. Discover now