Chapter 5

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Today is the day. I opened my eyes and inhaled, feeling Striker's body pressed against mine, our tails intertwined. I was never scared about the job, but they were never the prince from the Goetia family. Feeling Striker stir, he grinned, softly kissing my neck as we met each other's eyes. I love you.


Striker still had to do his job, but I stood with Joe and Lin as we waited for the van that held the assassins known as I.M.P. Striker gave me a quick low down, but unfortunately, we were going off what Joe and Lin talked about. We'll have to wait and see.

"Oh, it's been so long since Milly's been home." Lin grinned as a dust cloud formed, seeing a van in front of it as I frowned.

"Driving skills aren't the greatest I see," I grinned as I crossed my arms, stepping out of the way as the van pulled up and a female imp jumped out. Must be Mildred.

"Mama! Daddy!" 

"How's my deadly little pumpkin spice doing?" Joe grinned.

"I'm good Pa! Thanks for letting us stay here for the harvest jamboree."

"It's no trouble. We know you aren't making as much since y'all went 'freelance.'" Lin said. I had to snicker that Lin and Joe didn't fully understand, but Mildred just rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, y'all remember my husband Moxxie?" Mildred shoves a more timid imp in front of her parents. They weren't thrilled about her choice of husband. Right, I remember Joe saying he was a thespian?

"Greetings, Lin! Joe! How have you been? With all the...stuff around here?" Moxie nervously held out his hand, only to be ignored.

"Lost our old farm hand to one last week," Joe grumbled as Lin pulled me into the conversation.

"Yeah, but we got some new help, remember? Good help too. This here is Liz." Lin introduced me as I shook hands with Mildred and Moxie.

"Nice to meet y'all. Hear some good stuff about you, Mildred." 

"Millie, please. So glad to meet you. Oh yeah! Y'all haven't met my boss Blitz! And his hellhound." Millie pointed to the taller imp and hellhound, Loona, who would have cared less. Ah. So this is the Imp that the prince is sleeping with? Huh.

"I'm not just his hellhound."

"Yeah! She's my daughter!" Blitz grinned as he proudly pulled her closer.

"Only on paper. Y'all don't deserve to know my name."

"It's a pleasure to finally meet the sperm and egg factory," Blitz walked up to Millie's parents, shoving Moxxie out of the way, "that popped out this little gem of an assassin."

"So...Blitz, is it? That's a fine name." Joe grinned, shaking Blitz's hand as I stared at Blitz, a grin on my face as I shook his hand, licking my teeth and nodding.

"It reminds me of war." Lin swooned. I frowned, turning my attention with a hand on my hip as I chuckled, listening to Moxie talking about guns. Yeah, I wasn't as weak as Moxxie, nor Strong as Striker, but I could hold my own with my bare hands.

"I mean..." Moxxie gulped nervously as Millie shook her head.

"Guns get the job done. But a man ain't nothin' if he can't tear the head of a hellish beast with only his bare hands." Joe grinned as he used his hands to prove a point.

"Ha! He's right, Moxxie!" Blitz ran over to Moxxie and started mocking Moxxie like a baby, "You got cute baby hands like your baby dick!"

"Refrain... Sir." Moxxie glared.

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