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"Well, this is familiar," Eddie said, behind the wheel of his van. Chrissy was in the passenger seat.

Chrissy hooked her ankles together and tried not to pick at the hem of her sweater. "My brother got me this," she tapped the Walkman sitting in her lap, "for my birthday but didn't get me any cassettes. My mom doesn't like playing music in the house so I haven't gotten any."

"No music? What, do you live in that town from Footloose ?" Eddie scoffed.

"I guess I should return this." Chrissy says quietly, looking at the tape.

"Madonna not your favorite?" Eddie asked. The music store, Stello's , wasn't too far from the video store, but it was still easier to drive than walk.

Chrissy shrugged. "Not really. I like her but..." C

"I could recommend–" Eddie started but cut himself
off, pressing his lips tightly together.

"What?" She asked, a small smile on her lips.

"I guess you can say our music taste is a little different." Eddie pointed out.

"What?" Chrissy said, "You can't see me banging my head to..." she looked around the van, helplessly, hoping to find what Eddie likes.

"Metallica?" Eddie finished for her, chuckling softly.

"I totally jam out to Metallica." Chrissy joked.

"Right, and I spin to Madonna." Eddie said smiling sarcastically at her. He pulled up the parking lot.

The place was busier than the video store and they split up and checked out the aisles. Chrissy felt like a weight was on her chest and shoulders: this choice could maybe save her from a harrowing fate. She couldn't leave it up to chance and Madonna. She had to make a choice.

After ten minutes of browsing, she leaned over a box of cassettes and reached out, her hand bumping someone else's. She snatched hers back, but it was just Eddie.

"Any luck?" he asked.

She shook her head, shoulders slumped. "Not really."

"What's your favorite song?"

Chrissy crossed her arms and tilted her head to the side. "Um...I don't know."

"You have to. Everyone has one."

Chrissy took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Give me a second." It was hard because Chrissy didn't sing out loud to songs on the radio, or really pay attention to the beat or lyrics. She was trying to remember the last time she did, but it hadn't been since she was younger. "Landslide."

"Fleetwood Mac? Really?"

Chrissy's eyes flew open at Eddie's voice. She shrugged a little. "Why not?"

"No reason? It's cool.

They rifled through the cassettes together, Chrissy making sure she pulled her hand away from Eddie's every time they made contact.

Eddie lectured her about what his favorite songs were and why in case he got infected by an evil mind wizard.

She found Fleetwood and started to put it in her walkman, "I also like Guns n' Roses, Whitesnake, Twisted Sister, Scorpions–"

Chrissy did try to hide a little smirk as she clicked the Walkman shut. "I can't listen to much because my parents would freak out, but," she pushed her bangs out of her eyes, "I like music."

"Cool. Does that mean you'll come see my band next week?"

Her smile faltered a little. Next week felt like such a long time away. And with how things were going...she wasn't even sure if she'd make it that far.

Eddie opened his mouth to eat his words, given her hesitation, but Chrissy nodded. "Yeah, of course! I have to see if you've gotten any better."

"Oh, we have. I mean, I spend most of my money on my guitar so..."

"Is that where your drug money goes?" Genuinely and innocently curious.

"Mostly." Why did he feel like he suddenly needed to hold his breath? Jesus. He took a small step backward and then–

"Hey, Ed!"

It was Jeff and Gareth. Eddie glanced toward the door and Chrissy and Max scooted away to wait in line to buy In Through The Out Door .

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"Did you hear the news?"

"Yep. And yet people are still flocking to the warm embrace of Stello's ." A little murder didn't seem to have as much of an impact on Hawkins anymore. Somehow. Not that he was here for a casual browse of a new selection or anything.

"You included," Jeff pointed out.

Eddie gave him a flat look. "Keen observation, my friend. You two getting something?"

"Nah. We saw your van. You didn't know that Fred guy did you?"


"It was like right behind your house, man."

"Yeah, I know." Technically it was on the road on the other side of the woods behind his house. But close enough. "Listen, I've got uh, some stuff to do today. See you boys tomorrow for practice." Eddie looked back toward the register. Chrissy was handing over a few dollar bills. He wondered for a split second about the whole suburban society split: her, the rich cheerleader; him, the freak of an outcast. But she hadn't said anything about it today and really, if some ancient old sorcerer was casting curses on teenagers or something, it was probably the last thing to be worried about.

He did though. Because he was actually a good person and the last thing he'd want to do would be to tarnish someone's rep. Especially since Chrissy was actually nice to him.

So he pushed past his friends and got to the door in time to hold it open for her, making her give him a warm smile. If only she knew what she did to him.

"Now what?" Eddie asked no one in particular as Chrissy buckled up. "Do we check in with Nancy or do you need to get home, Chrissy?"

"Eventually. My car's still at Family Video." She twisted the headphone wire around her index finger. "Do you need to go talk to your uncle?"

"What?" Eddie had been spacing out.

"Your uncle found um...the body right?" Chrissy asked, looking at him with those big blue eyes all wide and concerned.

"Yeah, I should go talk to him," Eddie agreed.

"I could come with you." She offered sweetly.

Her eyes were so honest, how could he say no to that face?

"Okay," Eddie said, shoving the stick into reverse. "To the trailer park it is."

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