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( imessage && narravive. )

❛ i said good morning this
   morning and i'll say
         good night. ❜
that's on me .. mac miller


squish 🤍,good morning

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squish 🤍,
good morning

squish 🤍,
that's on me by mac miller

pretty boy 😋,
oh no

pretty boy 😋,
you ok? mac only
comes on when smths up

squish 🤍,
im fine vinnie

squish 🤍,
just listen to the song

pretty boy 😋,
jeez my bad for asking

pretty boy 😋,
i'll see u at school baby cakes

squish 🤍,
don't call me that

pretty boy 😋,
why not baby cakes

squish 🤍,
keep it up pretty boy


          destiny snickered as she seen vinnie left her on read. he hated being called pretty boy more than anything in the world. she hated when he called her baby cakes, but she still felt butterflies each and every time he did.

destiny and kayla sat down in their seats, spending their passing period in class. as they talked amongst each other, they seen vinnie walk in.

vincent looked more grumpy than usual. his fist were clenched tightly, just as his jaw was. he threw his backpack under his desk and sat down, immediately putting his head down. destiny could tell when vinnie was mad, and he was definitely mad.

"vinnie?" she asked softly, placing her hand on his arm. she shook the boy lightly but received no response. kayla pursed her lips and got up from the seat she was in, walking towards her own.

"vinnie?" she spoke softly once more. "hey, what's wrong?"

"can you leave me alone?" he mumbled, moving his arm from the touch of the girl.

𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓, vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now