Roronoa Zoro: Sorry, I Can't Use a Sword (Pt. 1/2)

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You don't know how to use a sword, Zoro finds out, trains you, and when it comes the time for your duel, something else happens. Resulting in a new set of events.


After trying over and over again, you just couldn't wield a sword. Countless times, your parents had attempted to train you. The L/N family was one of blacksmiths and swordsman. Though, you were an exception, no matter how hard you tried, it wasn't possible for you to do anything with a sword.

            That was until you met the Straw Hat Pirates. To be more specific, Zoro, of the Straw Hats. Luffy, the captain, had found your motivation inspiring and cool. So, he told you to join his crew, which you accepted without parent permission which was appreciated. Since Luffy wasn't necessarily known for his patience.

            You left without saying goodbye to anyone. After a month of you being a part of the crew, Zoro realized, you couldn't even hold a sword. So, he approached you. "Hey. Y/N can we talk?" He asked, opening one eye to look at you. "Huh? Yeah, sure, Zoro." You replied as he stood and began walking, you following him closely behind. "What did you want to speak about, Zoro?" You asked, curious.

"I can tell that you try to but you can't use a sword." He stated, "Is it that obvious...?" You muttered looking away and blushing slightly. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about. When I first started, I was pretty bad, but look at me now. I can hold and use three swords with close to no effort." He told me.

I looked up at him with a small smile. He smiled back at me, "So. Do you want me to train you or not?" He said, a smirk plastered on his face, "You are a part of the crew now. So I do care about you." He added. Eyes widening, you nodded, leading him to chuckle at your lack of response. "Alright then. Let's begin, Y/N." He said, grabbing your hand and leading you to his room to see where you were at.

  After finding out where you were at with strength and resistance, he told you how to train and that he'd help you with anything you couldn't do or figure out. So, you began, following his instructions. It wasn't hard, it was actually pretty easy for you to complete the training he gave you. Knowing Zoro, you figured that he'd give you extremely intense trainings. Though, they did get progressively harder.

     In a couple of months, nine to be exact, you could wield a sword pretty proficiently. You had a goal of wielding two swords. Zoro was secretly proud of you, really proud. He didn't show it, but you could tell. Everyone else could as well. It was a normal dinner with the Straw Hats. Nami sat down next to you, Robin sitting on the other side of you, you turned your head left and right, blinking and looking at the two of them.

     Both girls chuckled at your slightly childish behavior. Both grabbing you wrists, they stood up, making you stand up with them as they began walking away taking you along with them. Luffy and the rest of the crew just watched in confusion as they watched you be taken away. "Robin! Nami! What are you doing?!" You asked as they sat you down on a chair in Nami's room and sat down themselves in two other chairs.

     They looked at you, both with smirks on their faces. "We need to talk about you and Zoro." They both stated in unison. You looked at them, confused. "What about Zoro and I?" You asked, tilting your head. "Both of you have been acting weird. Whenever either of you are mentioned in conversations both of you blush and look away." She said, looking at you suspiciously. "I agree with Nami. You and Zoro by my observation seem to be showing signs of being in love? Or it could be extremely deep admiration for one another." Robin stated

    Your cheeks were tinted with a slight pink upon hearing Nami rant about you and Zoro in the future and etc, Robin agreeing with her didn't make it any levels better to you. On the other hand, Zoro was being spoken to by the rest of the crew, excluding Luffy because he didn't know what they were talking about or what was going on. The poor boy just wanted to eat his food, but was being stopped by Sanji, who was reluctantly trying to help Zoro understand the feelings it seemed he was expressing.

    Zoro was refusing to believe that his actions and words that had to do with you meant he was in love. He didn't understand very well, all he was doing was training you, nothing more nothing less. Though, he was your friend, he hoped. The thing is, Zoro was so stubborn that he didn't want to say anything that could back up the crew's accusations and assumptions about his and your feelings and relationship you had. Luffy, still wanting to eat, used his devil fruit to take some meat that was just there in the meanwhile that the rest were talking about feelings and love and whatnot.

    In unison, different rooms, people and all, Sanji and Nami along with Robin and Usopp said, "Just admit it! Your in love!" they told you and Zoro, making both your pairs of eyes widen, and your cheeks flare up. Again, in unison, you and Zoro told them, "W-We're not in love! Zoro/Y/N doesn't feel that way about me! Right...?" The two of you looked down in thought. 'Does Zoro/Y/N really feel that way about me?' The two of you thought.

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