ace x reader : window shopping

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- angst

- modern au

- no spoilers!


your eyes were completely engrossed in the window. your focus was on this pearly white wedding dress. the top being a corset, and the skirt of the dress being a puffy princess skirt. it was beautiful, and honestly you saw yourself walking in it on the special day. it was the perfect dress, perfect for you. you began to imagine yourself in this dress, staring into the window;

" y/n! "


" y/n! "

silence once more.

" y/n! "

you quickly turned to your left, seeing ace's concerned face. you lightly chuckle, turning your body to completely face him. "what's up?" you ask as you look back at the dress for a last time. ace raises a brow, looking over at what you quickly glanced at. a slight blush appears on his cheeks as he sees what you were so engrossed in. "ace?" you lightly grip his hand bringing him back to reality. he shakes his head, looking down at you and smiles. "i think its time to go..." he grips your hand, skipping his way down to the car garage. as you're getting dragged, you glimpse back at the dress, hoping soon you'll be able to go in and try it on. you focus back on the cherry man, giggling. "ace slow down!"


timeskip - later that night

you found yourself sinking into the couch of your boyfriends bestie, marco. he was currently throwing a house party, and you didn't necessarily find it much fun to drink. not only this but, your own friends hadn't shown up so it was even less fun. you wear currently wearing a short black dress, and of course, ace's long sweater. as you sighed, you turned on the couch, facing ace who was laughing among with a group of his 'friends'. the couch slightly moved, quickly making you move your head to see who had sat next you. marco.

" hey y/n! aren't you enjoying the party? "

he smiled as he observed that you did not look like you were having the time of your life unlike ace. your eyes looking around, trying to think of lie to come up with. usually, youre always enjoying your night, especially at marco's party, but the thought of the dress consumed you. looking at ace giggle with other women really made you question if there was a chance of getting married anytime soon.

" y/n. don't find a lie to tell me. yoi."

marco chuckled, peering over at ace. marco knew something you didn't, and it was bothering him quite a bit. he turned back to you as he notices you singing along to the song that was currently play. 'unforgettable eh. unfornutate y/n...' you snapped out of his thoughts as you get up. "care to join me outside marco?" you smiled, you knew his backyard had a hot tub, so why not enjoy it? marco nodded, getting up and following you. as you walked past ace, you place your arm on his waist, squeezing past him. he didn't make an effort to check who grabbed him and continued chatting away.

once you reached the tub, you remove your shoes and dip your feet into the hot tub. you flinch, feeling the hot water touch your legs. marco smiled and dipped both legs in no ISSUEEEE. you grunted putting your legs in, knowing he was trying to flex. "marco, today i saw this gorgeous dress! it was so pretty!" you state, lightly kicking your feet as you focus at the bubbles forming in the tub. marco looked at you softly, knowing you had a bad habit of window shopping. "really y/n? were you window shopping for a wedding dress this time?" you look at him, lightly frowing. you hated when marco brought you back to reality, but you knew it was for the better. "sadly." he hesitantly smiled.

glass breaking made you and marco immediately turn your heads towards the inside of the house. you gasped, taking in what you just witnessed. "shit.." marco got up from the tub, running into the house. you were stuck, its like time completely froze once you witnessed your boyfriend kissing a different woman. it took you seconds to process. marco had already entered the house by the time you were back from your thoughts. you got out the tub, put your shoes on, and stumbled your way with your wet feet into the house.

"ace, man! what the fuck?!"

marco was astonished, realizing he and y/n know knew the secret. marco turned to look for you, realizing you were right next to him. ace turned to look at marco, then you.

"i never even loved y/n... i don't know why you're even freaking out marco.... you knew this."

ace slurred, looking at you with a dead gaze. as soon as he stated what he had to, you removed the sweater, throwing it in his face.

"to even think i was window shopping for a stupid wedding dress to marry a cheater."

those where the last words you muttered as you scooted past him, leaving the house as quickly as possible.


thank you for reading! sorry for the first angsty chapter, i had to let this out somewhere; anyway, sorry if there is any typos!

- author

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