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A bit of context:

Eddie and Y/N have been best friends since elementary school and are joined at the hip. We of all people know that Eddie is a metal-head, and we are his witchy counterpart. Crystals, spells, offerings to patron gods, the whole shebang. You both are seniors in high school, you being 19 and Eddie being, as we know, held back making him 21 years old.

He has always had feelings for Y/N, but Y/N is too oblivious to realize it, even with the obvious flirting and such.

*Y/N's POV*

"Eddie!!" I yell, waving my hand in the air. A tall, long haired man looks up from his phone and smiles the most dopey-est smile you've ever seen. He comes up and hugs you tight. "Y/N....It's been a while..." I sigh and look up into his golden brown eyes. "It has, my rocker of a best friend!" I smile brightly. "How have you been?"

"Eh. You know how it is for us outcasts. Nowhere to fit in, everyone looking down at us and no one to call our own, right?" He looks down at me, sadness misting his eyes.

"Come on. I know a place." I whisper, giggling a bit. I grab his hand and drag him behind my 5 foot frame towards the woods behind the school. After about 15 minutes of walking, we hit the road and in front of us, stood an abandoned house, vines overgrown on the windows and the door boarded shut.

I look up at him with a smile on my face. "Wanna smoke?" I ask with a joint in my other hand.

"Of course, my witchy girl~" Eddie swoons, a light blush sprinkling his cheeks. He rubs my knuckles with my thumb and I giggle, looking down away from his eyes, and I notice the amethyst necklace I gave him for his birthday last year. I smile more as we walk into the abandoned house, pulling the lighter out of my purse.

We sit down inside my pillow fort and I press play on my phone, Change (In The House of Flies) by The Deftones plays through the Bluetooth speaker I have set up. I spark up and take a huge hit, passing it to Eddie. I blow the smoke in his face and smile softly, the tip of the joint glowing brightly. He passed it back to me and we continuously do this until we make it to the third joint. My playlist has shuffled into less metal and grunge and more R&B and hip-hop. The soft chords of Post Malone's guitar come through the speaker as I lay in Eddie's lap, my heart racing a bit. 'We've done this millions of times, why does this feel different?' My mind is racing and all of a sudden, Eddie is on top of me, looking into my f/c eyes.

"Y/N.....I know we've been friends since we've been in diapers, but I feel.....compelled towards you, as if we've been fated by Odin himself to be together....." He runs his hand through his soft, curly brown hair, staring down at you. "I'm really bad at these things and I know you're obvious to my charms, so I'm just going to be blunt. I'm in love with you and always have been. So I'm going to kiss you now. Is that okay?" I blush a dark red and nod my head, my mind foggy from the smoke. He leans down and kisses my lips softly, as light as a feather. His hand softly caressing my cheek, the cold metal of his rings keeping me from floating away in this moment.

After what seemed like hours, he pulled away and whispered into my ear: "Remember to breathe, my darling~" As if a light had been turned on, my lung fill with air. I sit up and pull my long hair out of my face, struggling to breathe, as if this was my first time again. I look towards Eddie and he has a shit eating grin on his face, his thumb rubbing across his bottom lip. I take a sip of my water and try to calm down, taking what just happened in.

"Edward Munson! How dare you kiss me, your best friend?!" I slap him on the shoulder, my fury rising. "How long have you felt like this?" I yell loudly, the glass windows shaking.

He looks towards me, sadness coating his eyes. "Let me answer your question with a question. Do you not feel the same? Even a little bit?" I look down and frown, my brow furrowing. A single hot tear falls from my eye. "I guess I'll always love you, as a best friend, but more then that? I'll have to think a bit on that." I finish with a whisper, my thumbs rubbing each other until they burn.

Eddie grabs my hands and grabs my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes. More tears stream down my cheeks, hot and painful. "Why didn't I see thai before? Was I always this stupid?" I feel a soft slap on my cheek. "Y/N L/N!! Never call yourself stupid again. You're anything but stupid. You're amazingly smart, beautiful, witty and quick to crack a joke. And to answer your question from earlier, I've been in love with you since I saw you beat up Jason in the 9th grade. It was hilarious to see that jock get what was coming to him, with his Bible thumping ass and all." I giggle softly as he wipes my tears from my cheeks.

"I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just frustrated because I didn't see it before. The flirting, the gift for my birthday and surprises for Valentine's day. I thought that was just someone random being nice to me because I've been alone for so long...." He shuts me up with another kiss. A quicker one this time. He presses his forehead softly to mine and smiles his goofy smile.

"I'm so very in love with you, Y/N~"

The Rocker And The Witch (Modern!Eddie Munson x FEM!Witch Reader)Where stories live. Discover now