Perfection is a Mask

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Scroll to the bottom for trigger warnings and a note!

• Perfection is a Mask •

Izuku was the exact definition of perfection and everyone knew.

His grades were perfect, his manners were perfect, his body was perfect, and even the way he folded his napkins was perfect. He always came first in every competition, won every spar battle, and topped in every assignment given.

All of UA knew who he was, but it didn't seem like Izuku even knew the name of his own classmates. He was extremely rich too, his parents were the owners of the Hero costume agency, and that made them one of the richest families in the whole of Japan. Unfortunately, that seemed to add superiority to his already arrogant personality.

Izuku could always be seen somewhere around the school, with his two bodyguards, studying, usually near the table in the corner or out in the garden. Sometimes, he'd be writing in his notebook, or he'd be reading from his textbook. That was it, he never socialized with anyone unless he had to, and he always did group projects alone. Being rich meant you had the power to persuade with money.

Izuku never wanted to socialize even when he was asked to, so after a few tries, everyone gave up on making friends with him. They ignored him when he entered the class, and whispered about him when he left.


Today, the Bakusquad was planning to hang out in a mall together. 

"I think a new restaurant opened up. We could go there to eat!" Denki exclaimed.

"Sure Kaminari!" Kirishima agreed readily.

"That place better not be shitty, dunce face!"


The class rushed out, and the Bakusquad, who were going to the mall, were all very excited. It had been a while since they'd last hung out, what with all the homework and personal affairs. They had agreed to go by walking, and now were going to the gate, chatting in pairs and some in triplets. Walking out the gates, they were in a merry mood; what could be better than friends and food? 

Too bad, their mood was disrupted so soon.

A shout drew their attention to a group of three people. A married couple, it seemed to be, was yelling at a child who was kneeling on the ground, holding his cheek like someone had just slapped him, presumably his parents. His face was covered with UA's hoodie uniform, which was horrifying to discover – to think that a student from a hero school was being abused! As hero students and good citizens of Japan, they had to go and help. No one deserved to be treated like that!

Mina, Denki, Kirishimi, Bakugo, and Sero stood in between the child on the ground who was sobbing quietly. 

"Who are you?" the woman asked snobbishly, with her nose up in the air. 

"What does is matter who we are, extra? All that we care about is that your husband just fucking abused your child and you did nothing about it." Bakugo sneered.

The green-haired woman rolled her eyes. "Its not like he doesn't deserve it. He a fucking pathetic bitch. He's used to it anyway."

"Well, he shouldn't be used to it!" Mina shouted.

A flash from their side directed their attention everyone's attention to Sero. He held up a phone and simply said, "I have a photo of you two that I can easily take to the pro heros. If you don't want to be reported, then leave."

The woman was about to screech something else, when her partner whispered something to her. She glared and huffed, before both of them walked away into the distance. The Bakusquad only then turned to help up the mystery boy. 

"Are you o–MIDORIYA?" Mina exclaimed in surprise. 

He only sniffled in response, and looked away, his cheeks flaming in shame. The Bakusquad eyed each other in shock, and then Kirishima reached out a hand to him to help him stand up. Izuku wiped his face bare of any tears and whispered out an apology.

"What are you apologizing for nerd? If anything it's those sorry excuses of parents that should be apologizing." Bakugo scoffed.

"Thank you for helping me..."

Kaminari, who'd broken out of his shocked stupor, smiled slightly at him and said, "There's nothing to thank us for. It was what anyone would have done in our place!"

Izuku smiled back weakly, and stared at the ground, with a strange glaze in his eyes. He chewed on his bottom lip, and the rest just stared at him. Then, a vibrate sounded from the back pocket of Izuku's jeans, and all eyes went to Izuku's phone when he pulled it out in front of him. Izuku suddenly gasped softly, and his hands shook. He covered his mouth with his hands, and tears filled in his eyes.

"Nerd? What happened?" Bakugo said, concerned about him. 

But Izuku was too lost in his worry to answer, so instead, Bakugo snatched the phone from his hands and saw:


We're disowning you. Don't come back.

04:34 sent

Sero's eyes flashed angrily when he saw the message, how could someone do that so easily to their own child? 

Mina looked at him worried, "Have you got a place to stay? You can stay with one of us if you need to..." 

"I've got money," Izuku said quietly.

"How?" Kirishima asked curiously.

Izuku looked uncomfortable, but answered, "um... I-I...My mom left me a business after she died."

"Oh! I'm so sorry for bringing it up..." Kirishima said.

"Its fine," Izuku replied. 

"If you don't mind me asking," Mina said slowly, "Who were those people back there?"

Izuku frowned, "My dad and his girlfriend..."

"Oh, I see..." Mina said awkwardly. 

Then they walked back to classroom 1A, where their teacher was sleeping in a yellow sleeping bag. 


The said sensei shot open one bloodshot eye, "What?"

Sero explained their situation to their teacher with Bakugo sprinkling in some insults at the right moments. When they finished, Aizawa was already dialing detective Tsutaki Reitami, and two police men were on their way to arrest two adults for child abuse and neglect.

Then, Aizawa opened his arms, and Izuku ran to hug him, letting out the stress and pain he felt with tears.

"You'll be okay Problem Child. I'll make sure of it."

Part 2?

Trigger Warnings

Emotional Abuse


Note: Bakugo went to a different Middle School than Izuku.

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