Chapter 01

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The small bar was washed in low yellow light as you entered, taking a seat on a stool at the counter and silently calling the attention of the bartender. You ordered something strong and zoned out a little as he prepared it. Working abroad was as tiring as usual, so it was sort of a personal tradition to drink on your first night returning home.

Movement to your right alerted you, making you turn your head to glance at the newcomer subtly as he approached from the direction of the bathroom and sat down two stools away. He was undeniably pretty, but that wasn't what first caught your attention. His outfit was clearly of the Inazuman style––you of all people should be familiar with as much. He idly traced a finger over the rim of his glass for a moment before he caught your gaze. You immediately looked away.

The stranger seemed to perk up, suddenly giving you his full attention as he casually slides his drink over and takes up the seat beside yours.

"My, imagine meeting a fellow Inazuman so far from home," he comments smoothly, a playful lilt to his words.

Your expression doesn't betray the surprise you feel. "Yeah? What gave me away?" Best to play along. One perceptive stranger is only a threat if you let him unnerve you.

He seemed pleased that you were entertaining the conversation. Facing you, he brought one hand up and snapped his fingers, pointing to one side as you raised a brow at the strange pose. "Easy. You're wearing an omamori knot on the end of your necklace."

That warranted an offended glance in his direction. "Correct, though it doesn't make you less of a pervert." Not that you were actually offended. You were only hoping to fluster him.

He leaned his elbow on the bar with his fist propping up his head, completely unfazed by the accusation as he met your eyes and smiled charmingly. "I won't deny the allegations."

You laughed and shifted your gaze back down to your drink. "At least you're honest. I like it."

Feeling encouraged, he reached out and brushed your hair behind your ear for a better view of what expression you were making. Properly startled, heat rose to your cheeks as you found yourself pulled into his lidded, olive green stare. "Then in the spirit of transparency, how about I cut to the chase?" His thumb brushed your cheek lightly enough to give you chills. "Keep me company tonight?"






~present day~

"Back in that bar, that night, did you know who I was, Heizou?" Your question was barely above the subtle whisper of the cold draft against the stone walls, but he heard it nonetheless.

"No." The single word fell from his lips like a stone into a stagnant pool.

Your head whipped around to study him closely. It was difficult to believe that he didn't know, given his incredible intuition.

Sensing your skepticism, Heizou began to elaborate. "For better or for worse, you're not even remotely the same as when you were in his shadow, you know?" He sighed, tilting his head back against the wall with a dull thud. "Besides, in those days I was so tired from running all over Teyvat trying to catch the most elusive criminal yet. All I saw was a pretty Inazuman girl all alone at a bar. Even geniuses are susceptible to the intrigue of a mysterious woman. Hell, I'd argue that they're even more susceptible."

You searched for a hint of humor behind his words, but found none. The realization made you shift with discomfort.

As you were looking for words to ease the silence, Heizou spoke up instead. "And you? Did you recognize me?"

You pressed your lips into a thin line before parting them to answer. "Not until you introduced yourself that second time we met. Perhaps your charms were...equally distracting."

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