Chapter 02

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You felt the stranger's breath fan the nape of your neck between impatient kisses to your flushed skin, making your hands tremble and your own breath come out in subtle pants as you hurriedly hunted in your pockets for your apartment key.

"H-Hey!" His hand glided down your side and deftly produced the key from your back pocket. You could feel him smirk just behind your ear as he placed the key into your palm. After some fumbling, you managed to get the door open and he ushered you through.

The only light was from the moon streaming through the sheer curtains. It set his porcelain skin aglow and reflected in his sharpened green eyes. Your mind was buzzing with heightened emotions as you faintly heard him kick the door closed behind him. It was as if every sense was set on fire.

With one brisk step, he closed the distance between the two of you and roughly grabbed you by the face, his other hand on the small of your back to keep your body flush against his. Kissing you feverishly, he slowly backed you up until your thighs met one arm of the couch. His hands both dropped to the hem of your shirt and tugged upward until it slid off over your head. He pulled away to flash you a mischievous grin before giving you a firm push, which made you lose balance and topple backward onto the couch with an undignified yelp.

He swiftly removed his own sleeveless white shirt before pausing to admire the view for a moment––taking in your dilated pupils, parted lips, and heaving chest with evident satisfaction. You studied him right back, noticing that he was skinny yet toned with the occasional mole dotting his torso.

"Fuck, you look good like that," he said with a hum. He wasted no more time in climbing on top of you and seizing your wrists in one hand, pinning them above your head. His other hand snaked down to the waistline of your pants, leaving goosebumps in its wake. He snapped your waistband against your skin, tilting his head as he met your eyes and innocently asked, "May I?"

Perpetually out of breath, you could only nod. He nudged your chin up with his nose to kiss at your jawline and throat, all the while his hand tugged your pants down enough that he could run two fingers against your underwear.

He chuckled softly against you. You could feel it buzz against your chest. "Seems I've done something right, if you're already this wet." He pulled your underwear down to the level of your pants and ghosted one finger up your slit before bringing it up for you to clearly see the moisture glistening where it had touched. He cheekily licked it clean before letting his hand descend once more, this time slowly sinking his middle finger in all the way to the knuckle. His thumb massaged and played with your clit while his finger pumped and curled in you.

You gasped and arched your back while his lips traveled up to your ear, taking the side of it between his teeth and teasing it gently. "M-More," you whimpered, barely recognizing your own voice from the state you've been reduced to.

As if to comply, he added his index finger, scissoring them against your tight walls. "Mm, that what you want?"

It took you a moment to answer. "Yes! I mean, no?" Your brow scrunched.

He whispered directly against your ear. "Use your words, pretty girl. Tell me what it is you want."

Your eyes snapped open and your head turned to the side to lock gazes with him. You wrapped your legs around his hips and in one motion managed to flip both of you. His green eyes were wide with surprise as his back hit the couch. You grabbed his wrist and tugged it upward so his hand was between your face and his. Without tearing your lidded eyes away from his, you sucked his fingers clean before releasing your grip. "My words? Are actions not louder?"

You trailed a hand down his chest, reveling in the softness of his skin until you reached his waistband. You tilted your head with a glint in your eye. "May I?"

"I think I'm getting déjà vu," he whispered, making you wonder if he meant to say that out loud. You ground your hips against him, snapping him out of his brief daze. "Fuck, be my guest."

At that, you pulled his pants all the way off, propped over him with your knees on either side of his hips. You reached down and grabbed his hardened length, watching his expressions as you teasingly dragged the tip against yourself.

"Man alive," he groaned. "You're driving me crazy."

His hips thrusted upward to meet you, but you raised yours higher and tutted at his impatience. "Ah, ah. Beg for it."

He froze, lips parted and eyes wide with incredulity. You were certain this was something he had never encountered before. It only bolstered your sense of satisfaction.

"Well?" you prompted in a sultry voice, dragging him against you once again and eliciting another groan.

By this point, his mind was so clouded that he'd forgotten even his own name, nevermind his esteem. "Please," he said between needy pants. "Please let me fuck you."

You smiled. "Hm, I suppose since you asked so nicely." You lowered yourself onto his length, dragging low moans out of both of you. It was a nice fit, stretching you in the best ways. After a moment, steadying yourself with hands against his chest while he clutched your hips, you began to move. Up and down, grinding your hips each time he bottomed out.

As you gradually picked up your pace, with him thrusting up to match your rhythm, you felt his fingers digging into your hips hard enough to bruise.

You leaned over him so your chest was pressed to his, burying your face against him to muffle yourself. Your legs began to feel weak and shaky, your breath becoming quick and shallow as you neared your high. He removed his right hand from your hip to thread it into your hair, using the grip to pull your lips to his. You swallowed each other's moans into the heated, messy kiss.

Just as you hit your climax, you sensed him twitch a bit in you, pulling your hips up all the way to slide him out right before he came. It hit your stomach and dripped back onto him. After a moment, you unsteadily got to your feet and grabbed two towels from the kitchen, tossing one at him. He quickly wiped himself off before sitting up a little, making room for you on the couch.

You dragged the spare blanket from where it was hanging on the back of the couch, wrapping it around yourself before plopping down. With a grunt, he shifted you so that you were laying between his legs and leaning against his chest while on your side.

It was quiet and peaceful for several long moments, nothing but the feeling of him lightly running his fingers along your arm. You were on the verge of sleep when you heard him speak again in a sly voice. "Wanna go again?"

You laughed, tilting your head back so he could clearly see your raised brow. "Yeah, if you give me a moment."

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