Chapter 03

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A cool ocean breeze caressed your skin, paying no heed to the way you lifted your eyes up to the cloudless blue sky and sighed impatiently. You clicked open your pocket watch and checked the time, darting your eyes around the lively terrace before slipping the device back into the pocket of your dress. You closed your eyes in an attempt to combat your rising stress.

Things with your work were... changing lately, to say the least. You were what many would consider to be an expert in your field. You'd given up on dreams, fought tooth and nail to get to where you were. But now... if you didn't play things smart, it may mean the end of the line for you. Not like those dreams were ever obtainable for someone with my history, you thought with a twinge of sorrow. However, is it really worth it to live this life that I detest? Crushing the dreams of others, all in the name of survival and self preservation. I'm sure not one of the archons smiles down on me. What the hell am I even doing?

"Oh hey, it's been a while." A smooth voice pulled you from your thoughts, making your eyes blink open and focus on the familiar man before you. The guy from the bar. What was his name again? You scolded yourself internally. How shameless that I never even bothered after the name of the man I spent a night with. Not to mention how good he was, too. Eh, I can't pretend to care.

After receiving only a distracted hum in reply, he spoke again. "So what brings you here?"

You shrugged, eyes tracking him as he leaned back against the stone railing beside you. "I was supposed to meet someone."

"Oh? A date?"

"No, for work." You swiftly checked the time again.

"I see. I'm guessing they've kept you waiting." His eyes also flitted about the area.

You purse your lips. "Yeah. How unfortunate."

He smiled. "Not a total loss, though. It just means you're free to hang out with me."

"No thanks," you replied almost instantly. "I'm not looking for a relationship."

He raised a brow. "While that's not what I meant, I'll admit it's not a bad idea." You shot him an unimpressed look as you pushed off the railing and started walking away. He sidled up to you. "Well?"

You hardly spared him a glance. "I believe I already gave you an answer."

He hummed in amusement, eying you closely as he said his next words. "Oh, come on. Do I have to beg again?"

You halted mid step and could only gape as you looked over at him. Your stomach fluttered, your expression quickly morphing into a frown soon after. Oh hell no. I know his type. No way I'm getting butterflies for some playboy I spent a single night with. "Look, we don't even know each other's names."

"Why ruin the mystery?" Your deadpan look must have compelled him to drop that approach. "Okay, how about this? Let's just hang out, call it whatever you want. I'll tell you my name if you get to know me first."

Your suspicions were raised, making your eyes narrow. "What makes you so hesitant to tell me something as simple as your name? And why are you trying so hard? Women don't go for that sort of behavior, you know."

He sighed. "Does it matter so much? I'm sort of famous, that's all. If you knew who I was, you would be influenced by it. And as for why I'm trying so hard..." His cheeks became slightly flushed, one of his hands raising to scratch at his nape. "I just... really enjoyed that night."

One corner of your lips lifted into a subtle smirk. "Oh, is that it? You should've just told me it was about sex. Since that's the case... come to my place tomorrow night, let's say 9:00." You reached out and tucked a noticeably darker lock of hair behind his ear. "I think we'll get to know each other quite well."

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