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You told a couple of your friends you really liked this guy/woman, so they encouraged you to ask them to go on a second date, a second date turned into a relationship but it got lonely after a while, you wanted to go out with your partner. So you talked and set up a time and date when you both were free and said you'd meet each other there. You stayed hopeful for a while and you waited half an hour waiting for them to arrive, half an hour turned into fifty minutes and you knew they weren't coming. You were extremely glad you didn't choose a fancy restaurant and instead asking to go somewhere with burgers and fries.

Groaning you pushed your food to the side and slammed your head into the table, you heard a soft chuckle leave someone's mouth, turning your head to the side slowly to see a man with black hair with a white streak, beautiful green eyes, he was tall about six foot and he was gorgeous. Jason Todd, your bestfriend.

He noticed you staring and grinned down at you, sliding into the booth so that he was sitting in front of you "hi there sweetheart"

you mumbled "hi Jay" turning a light shade of pink

"you here alone?"

"why? you wanna to kidnap me or something?"

he snorted "why would you say that" lowering his head onto his arms that were resting on the table so that he was at eye level with you.

"it is gotham" you were pretty sure he wouldn't be able to hear you but luckily he did

"fair enough, but if I wanted to kidnap you I would've done it already"

"very reassuring Jaybird"

"yeah yeah, but seriously why are you here alone?"

"stood up by the boyfriend"

"that dumbass, I told you to dump him"

Instead of responding you went red and hid your face in your arms again. The night was getting better you had the Red Hood, your bestfriend to keep you company but unfortunately nothing good lasts forever.

The door of the restaurant opened and you boyfriend saw you, he hadn't seen Jason yet so he walked towards you wiping the lipstick of his cheek, and started throwing out some random bullshit excuses.

"Holy shit baby, I'm so sorry I got held up at-" the pause of your boyfriend made you actually look at him, you followed his gaze to Jason, only to see Jason giving him a stone cold glare.

"Who the fuck is he?" he spat at you, grabbing your wrist with a tight grip, you did your best not to wince but fortunately Jason noticed and he stood up looking down at your boyfriend and grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him outside, you ran after him.

He had pushed your boyfriend into a corner to threaten him.

"They're my partner not your bitch"

"Oh? If they're your partner then why the hell do you have another person's lipstick smeared on the side of your face?"

"Jay" your voice pulled him out of focus, giving your now ex-boyfriend time to punch him in the stomach. A huge mistake on his behalf no one hurts you, nobody not without punishment.

Your ex wasn't exactly the strongest person, he was really weak so all it took was one punch to the head to knock him out but he didn't stop there, no he kicked him and slammed his face into the floor.

He turned to you, normal people would've shit themselves and ran, but you didn't care it was Jason, your Jason and you couldn't believe you hadn't seen it before, you were in love with him, not the idiot most likely dead on the floor.

You walked towards Jason and pulled his head toward your own, you had kissed him and he was shocked sure he wanted this but you had caught him off guard and he didn't like that.

You pulled back, coming to your senses. You kissed him. "Shit, Jay-"

You were cut off with another kiss, this one more passionate than the last. He had his arms around your waist and you had yours around his neck, hands finding a way into his hair. He grinded against you and you gasped in surprise, he took that as an opportunity to stick tongue in your mouth. You aren't sure how or when you got to his bike but there you were.

"You tired babe?"

you hummed in confirmation

"try not to fall asleep"

"okay fucking hell Jay hurry up, I'm tired" you had already swung your leg over the back, put the helmet on and had your arms around his waist. He chuckled and sped off. 

He never thought you'd be his.

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PUBLISHED » 28-07-2022

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