As someone say by me I was lejm a mf timoat they were so fineee- wiat I have my lover crk I will never leave them right? I think I hope idk I was day dreaming thenBOOM 💥 THERE THEY WERE seetting but crk I then looked up "uwu h-howe u uwuuwuwususuysysysysywywywywywywywywuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuthats uwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuthatsuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuthatsuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuthatsuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuthatsuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuthatsuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuthatsuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuthatsuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuthatsuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuthatsuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuthatsuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuthatsuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuthatsuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuthatsuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuthatsuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuthatsuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuthatsuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwuuwu"(thats ment to be a lot of uwus anyeay) is aid feel nevroys uwu they said that they were pretty good. GOD THERE VOICE 😍😍😍😍NO SHUT UP I AM IN LOVE WITH CRK 😱I CAN'T LOVE PJSK AHHHHH then pjsk asked me " yo broski j need you rq "I followed them into an allyway where pjsk then said that he lived me 😱HUH BIT NO HOW CAN I?
" I like you too. "I was a tomoato🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 then pjsk then kissed me-wait I have a lover? SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT NO. I backed up from the kids and ran off crying bc I am fucning dumbass who doesn't know what to do 😊😊😊😊
A/N god it's like 12:30 I am sleepy and just ended it there god my ass still hurts 💔😭😭😭
Very sad story of Genshin 😭
RomanceGenshin fell in love with crk then made another friend aka Pjsk what happens next? 😱😱😭😭