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"Bye y/nie! Be safe ok?" They wave as they walk out of the house.

They're insecure about leaving their lil step sister at home alone but since she's willing not to come with them, they have to leave her.

After her step brothers left for the bar, she lies on the sofa to watch a horror movie on the TV.
"Alexa, turn off the lights"

["yes madam"]
Alexa, an automatic system that Chanyeol and Tae-Hee set for the house. She can obeys every requests and orders from the house's owners.
The lights in the living room suddenly turn off. Y/n then puts on Dead Silence, a dolls horror movie.

Half way throughout the movie, y/n's phone suddenly rings, making her startles. Oh kamjagiya! Ah.... [translation: kamjagiya means that scared me in korean]
It's Beomgyu!


Hearing that, she sits up straight.
"What's wrong Beomie? Where's Ryujin??"

["I don't know!! We were on our date! Then suddenly, when I was buying ice cream, Ryujin is no where to be seen. after that someone hits me on the head and when I open my eyes, I'm in a dark room! And Ryujin...she's motionless, she got stabbed in the arm, she's chained to the wall and...AND WE'RE STUCK!! HELP US Y/NIE!!"]

"All right. I'm on my way."

["hurry ok? They nearly back!!"] they? Is he talking about my oppas or ??? (1) and ??? (2)? Ahhh don't think! Just do! Thinks y/n then runs to grab a gun and rushes to where Beomgyu and Ryujin are.

Meanwhile, at Beomgyu's...
"Jagi ah...don't die..." he quietly says as he strokes Ryujin's short brown black hair.
But Ryujin seems to have no signs of waking up. Worse, the wound on her arm is bleeding more and more.

"Y/nie—" that person walks in with his buddy besides him, Beomgyu is shocked, "no way..."

"Surprise huh?!" He mocks while smirking at him and motionless Ryujin next to him.

"Did you kill my jagi??" He asks furiously. He just chuckles in a mocking way.

"Well...can't you see she's not waking up? So can you tell if she's dead or not?"

He then pulls the gun out and points at Beomgyu.

"You're gonna have the same fate as her now."


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