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"Y/nie..." Jake whispers as he watches the younger being dragged like that. He feels like crying.

"Where are our younger brothers??" Asks Sunghoon.

"They're all here." Adds Hanbin, pointing to a pillar, Sunoo, Jungwon and Riki got tied against the pillar, "let's get into it shall we, master?"

"Absolutely! Since we're at an abandoned mall right now...

"Absolutely! Since we're at an abandoned mall right now

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[imagine this is the place they're all at right now] one will catch us right?" He then lets out an evil laugh.

" married the wrong man!!" Says MinJeong, "ahh oppa. I'm so disappointed in you! So you're using unnie and y/nie and your sons all this time???" She's having none of it at all. This makes Chanyeol even more enjoyable.

"And what are you gonna do about it? Nothing right? Exactly." He then turns to his sons, "y'all betrayed me! You just like your mother! Heart always facing god!! Especially you, Riki! Y/n meant to die that day!! But why did you save her??!!"
Now that Chanyeol says it, we all know who's the hero that day. The hero that y/n always remember. The hero with a deep but soft and warm voice. It's no other than....Riki.

——— flashback, 9 years ago ———
While running down the escalator, due to running too fast, y/n trips and falls 20 steps of stairs down to the ground.
Her head bangs against the pillar and...blackout...
Y/n doesn't know how long she'd been sleeping now...
30 minutes...
1 hour...
5 hours
Even 9-10 hours now...
"There she is?! The president's daughter!!" Comes a voice, a soft and pure voice. This is definitely not an man, but a boy!! The oldest boy in the 7, Lee Heeseung.

"Yeah yeah that's it!! Wait, is she dead?" Asks another, Lee Jongseong, Jay

"Lemme check." The youngest, Lee Riki says then slowly approaches sleeping y/n. He then puts his index and middle finger onto her wrist, "she's still alive"

"Woah lucky girl" says another, Lee Jaeyun, Jake, in admiration and a bit of envy, "I wish I'm that lucky..."

"Let's bring her to auntie, hyung!" Says Riki as he carries her on his back.

The boys then bring y/n to a woman.
"I'll adopt her. She clearly needs her parents' love. You know what it means?"

"You'll be her step mother." Says the oldest boy, Lee Heeseung. The woman nods and takes y/n, "please take care of her."

"Indeed!" She promises. And she will since she wants to tell us that not all step mothers are mean. Like truly.
As the car drives away, the 7 boys stands there.

"She looks younger than you, Riki" Says one of the boys, Lee Sunoo, while patting Ni-Ki's shoulder.

"Right...then all 7 of us will be her 'oppa' then" agrees Riki.

Y/n's shocked since she now knows that the hero of her heart; the mysterious boy with that deep but gentle and warm voice who saved her that's Riki!!
Found out the truth, her emotions burst out.

"Cuz I love you! I love you since that day already!! And I'm willing not to let you die!!"
Y/n is touched by those words of her lover.

"Woah! You two are a 'thing' now! But's useless to confess now cuz she'll die in no time!!" Hanbin then points a gun at her, "y/'re at a dead end now...any last words?"

"Don't DARE to kill her!!" Shouts Jungwon. With the help of the 4 older boys, the 3 younger boys break free and runs to y/n.

"DON'T MOVE!! Orelse y/n will die!!" Hanbin threatens while pointing a gun at the 7 boys. The others stop. They want to save her but they have no choice but to stand still.
"Y/n deserves to die cuz..." he then turns to her, "HOW DARE YOU REJECT ME??!!" From what Hanbin just said, another truth is revealed...

——— flashback, sleepover at Seo-Hee's ———

"Y/n! Go with me NOW!!" Hanbin says then pulls y/n outside for a talk.

"Guys I think we should stop here. Y/n and Hanbin will argue. I can feel it." Says Ryujin.

"But why would they argue tho?" Asks Beomgyu, feeling suspicious.

Meanwhile, outside...
"Yahhh!! Do you have to pull me that hard??" She scolds, shaking her wrist free. Hanbin stops. Then turns around to face her.

"I have something to say."


"I like you!!"
Y/n lowers her head, she doesn't expect this sudden confession from him.

"Sorry Binie...I only see you as a friend..." hearing this, Hanbin is sad and furious at the same time. He's sad because of y/n's reject. But furious because she likes someone else. That mysterious boy she mentioned...he'll find him...and take revenge...
He stomps inside, making y/n stunned and kind of annoyed at the same time. 'Why is he like this?' She asks herself but eventually walks back in too.
"Kill her, master!!" Says Hanbin passionately.

"I'll end this." Chanyeol says and pulls the trigger...

"Y/NIE!!!" Riki screams and runs to her.

"RIKI DON'T!!" The other 6 call the youngest, trying to stop him. But....

Bang! Bang!!

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