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[Zagros Mountains, Iraq.
Thursday, May 30, 2003.]

𝟷𝟾:𝟺𝟼 𝙷𝚁𝚂

As the helo landed in the Zagros Mountains, everyone — now donning gas masks — filed out but stayed in a crouching position. "Hey, Joey!" Nathan Merwin called to the lance corporal who looked over to him to see him turn around, doing exactly what José Gomez told him not to do moments earlier.

"Why the fuck did you have to go and do that?" Joey shouted, nearly pointing his rifle at Merwin which bewildered Y/n L/n to the core since it was basic knowledge to never point a gun, loaded or not, at another human being.

Joey shifts his body to face the building, pulling out his cross necklace and putting it up to the nozzle of the mask as if he was kissing it whilst Merwin cackles. Letting go of his necklace, Joey shakes his head. "Think nothing of it," Y/n quietly mumbles. "He's just trying to get a reaction out of you." She consoled him.

"I know, I know..." The helicopter behind them then took off as Lieutenant Kolchek and Sergeant Kay passed the squatting trio, taking the lead. This prompted the three to get off the ground to follow them.

As they neared the building, a figure could be spotted. "The Americans! The American soldiers are here!" The man shouted in Arabic which caused everyone to hit the deck in case the individual was armed.

"Sir, we've been made! Awaiting orders!" Nick kept his gun pointed towards the subject, but it was customary to never shoot in the Marine Corps unless the enemy shot first. It is a rule. It was a foolish question in Y/n's opinion as she brought her attention towards Kolchek, silently hoping that he wouldn't bend the rules due to superstition.

"Fan out and hold fire! We're going PSYOPS this shit."

Y/n let out a sigh of relief, feeling as if a weight has came off her shoulders as Jason uttered this. However, she couldn't help her mind drift back to the incident at the checkpoint and this alone caused her demeanour to become bitter once more.

The assault on Target LZ continued. Rachel King, who was sitting comfortably in the helo, "We are the US Forces! Exit the building with your hands raised above your head! We mean you no harm." Her Arabic transmitted through the speakers of the helicopter — making it perfectly clear what their demands were.

A few seconds later, three figures exited the building as they obeyed Rachel's orders. "Down! Down! On your face, now!" Nick gestured for the group to get onto the floor but to no avail, they didn't understand.

Joey then approached the couple with his gun raised high, "Hands behind your back!" He repeated the gesture that Nick did and they immediately complied. As Joey kept his eyes locked on them, the remainder of the group — Merwin, Kolchek, Kay, S/n, and a handful of others entered the building to scope it out. Merwin even kicked down a door on occasion.

"Clear room!"


"Compound is secure. Prisoners are playing ball." Nick, who can finally relax, spoke to Jason with ease. "Roger. Get Corporal Merwin to pop yellow smoke at the LZ to bring in the Colonel." He gave the sergeant a new set of orders.

Moments later, everyone was waiting outside one of the main buildings and watched as Eric, Rachel, and Clarice Stokes approached them all. They had all taken off their gas masks at this time. "This raid's a bust! These people are not the enemy. They're just shepherds." Nick complained as he exited from the entrance to give Jason an earful who only glared at him in response.

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