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I should've known that no one would have my back on this. But I know one person who would definitely have my back.

Mikhail. I wish he was here with me.

I head downstairs and I go into the kitchen. I start making dinner as I finished my training earlier. Keeping myself occupied but also focused will help me.

I have spent most of the morning writing down plans to get to Giovanni.

Where it all really just lands to one option. To pretend that I am in fact, infatuated with him.

It's the only way he will fall for such of a thing.
I know for sure I will indeed be punished for running away but I can deal.

As I cook up my last meal before I go there, I make sure everything will be the same way when I do indeed come back home.

I finish and dish out my dinner. I sit it down on the table and I start eating. I smile as it is one of mamma's dishes. It doesn't taste like hers but it does remind me of her. I could never cook as good as her even if I tried.

As I sit alone at this table, I look at when we used to have dinner together every night. We would talk about our days and just enjoy each other's company.

And now it's all gone.

I try not to cry into my meal, I finish eating. I stand up and I wish all the dishes. I take deep breaths.

I head upstairs and into my room. I look at my passport and I stuff it away in my closet, into a safe I bought.

With the date of when I met Mikhail. A date no one will ever know but I.

I look at the check of the money that my father kept for me and mamma. Part of me wants to burn the check but also make me feel like he gave it to us for a deeper reason.

He wants this so badly that I know he had to kill my mamma and possibly my papa for. I put the check in the safe as well and I hide behind my closet. I arrange some of my clothes in front of it.

I grab my bag as I stuff some clothes into it.

We got this Vivian. Survive and take the kill.

I fix up my room and I go to my bed side table drawer as I pull out a necklace Mikhail gave to me before I left.

I didn't know about it until I reached to Sicily. He snuck it into my back pocket and must I say, he was very smooth with it.

I lock up my room and I grab my bag as I walk down the stairs. I look at the place one last time before I walk out. I lock the house up and I take a deep breath.

I nod and I text my uncle that I will be gone for awhile but I will be back in the house.

I start walking towards the club Giovanni owns. This is it, my freedom is now gone for now.

It take me awhile to walk there but eventually I get there. The club is open since the sun is now going down.

There is no guard and I walk up to the doors. I walk inside and it's mainly dark.

I start heading toward the direction of his office. My heart beats fast and I try to remain calm. Suddenly, I feel a hand grab my arm. I gasp as it slams me up against a wall.

I look up as a light starts to shine a bit on his face.


"What the fuck are you doing?" I try to push him off.

He shakes his head.
"What the FUCK are you doing?" He glares at me.

"I am giving him what he wants, I am tired of being scared" I say.

He scoffs.
"You must be kidding me, you are not giving yourself to him. I don't care what your mind is telling you to do, you will get your ass back home".

I try to get him off me but he won't let go of me.
"I will not listen to you. Now let me go".

He pulls my arm tighter and outside of the club. He takes me to his car and I try to get away from him.

"Let me go Cassian, I am serious!" I try to argue with him.

He shakes his head and pushes me inside his car as the door opens by itself.

"This is kidnapping!" I try to yell. He closes the door before I get the chance to fight him back.

I could hurt him if I wanted but he is not the one I want to hurt. He is the least person that I want to hurt.

I go open the door as I see he locks it. I gasp and he gets in quickly and I take the chance again as it unlocks.

I get it open before he pulls me back, and locks it.

I turn to him and I yell.
"Let me out! Stop getting in my way if you won't help me".

He shakes his head, just staying quiet.

"You have to be kidding me" I scoff.

He turns the car on and I look at him.

"You will not leave this spot, I need to get back in there" I say.

He grabs onto the steering wheel tightly.
"No Vivian, what will happen is that you will sit back and shut up. I will take you to my place and you will behave. I won't let you do something stupid and if I have to kiss you to shut you up, I will most certainly will".

My ears goes dead after he utters the last word. What did he just say?

Did he just say that he will kiss me.. to shut me up?

"Good, now you are quiet" he starts to drive.

I start to lose complete focus of what the main goal is here, that all I can focus on is that he said that. He said those words that suddenly made me lose focus of what's important here.

How could this man, a man that I loathe for getting in my way, could have so much control of my focus right now?

"I can see that my words totally put you in shock. But I needed to say it to help you calm down and it worked must I say" he says.

I turn to him.
"So... you just said it to shut me up.. that's it?" I ask.

He nods.
"Why else would I say that?".

I sigh.
"Forget it... ".

Such a bad liar. You wanted him to kiss you, to actually shut you up. The Vivian that first met Cassian in that club that night would've been star struck if he actually kissed me.

She would be surprised but a moment that she would never forget.

But this Vivian, who I am now, is different. Half of me wants that kiss and the other wants Mikhail.

It feels like a tug of war with my emotions, which sucks.

The man who I loathe or the man who taught me to be stronger.


Bound to Desire | Darkest Love~ Book 2 |Where stories live. Discover now