Clax and Haku AU one-shot

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Haku made plans to meet up with Clax. It's been 3 weeks since they've seen eachother. The moment Haku knew of his arrival, he asked Clax to go out with him to the new café that just opened.

That was a day ago.

Haku was walking through the snowing streets, feeling happy that he's spending the first snow with his lover. He felt, a comforting warmth.

Clax said he was already there and he was waiting so Haku had to hurry up. He was happy to finally see him after such a long time, he wanted to cuddle the heck out of Clax.

Just as he reach the shop, he looked through the window.

The butterflies in his stomach suddenly flew away, he felt as if all the air in his lungs got sucked away. He felt so so cold and sullen out of this world. He was absolutely motion less.

It was Clax. Kissing. Someone.

He saw it clearly, he wasn't mistaken. Was he already tried of him? Just 3 weeks and he found another lover? Was Haku just a substitute?

Haku was gonna cry, more than that he wanted to pull that bitch off Clax.

He composed himself and stormed  in the café as politely as he could. "Hey Clax, is that your Friend?"

He held Clax's wrist tightly and signaled that other extra to follow them. Haku took them to a nearby alley.

He sighed as he glared at the other person. 'I can't smell his scent is he a beta?'

Haku took in a sharp breath and grabbed the beta by his shirt and shoved him against the wall. He glared right into the Betas soul with his bright green eyes.

Clax was shocked. He tried to get Haku's hands off the beta but he was in no mood of listening to Clax.

"W-wait! Who are you and why are you coming between u-us?" The betas words came out scrambled.

"US?" Haku glanced at Clax, his green eyes now glowing with anger. Clax stumbled back. Thats a recessive omega for ya.

Haku was now looking at Clax. "Mind telling me what's your relationship?" Clax didn't dare answer. Haku sighed of course he couldn't hit his mate. Even if he wanted to, his body wouldn't let him.

The beta suddenly gained confidence outta no where. "He's my boyfriend, were dating." He said looking at Clax

Haku was now surprised. He started laughing. How could someone lie so normally? Haku was getting annoyed now. His fists were begging for blood.

"I actually intended to stop hitting people after I got in college but looks like you're an exception" Haku hit Jake right in the fucking abdomen

He didn't even care about Clax rn, how could someone he never even knew, come out and claim HIS mate as his boyfriend?

The one who didn't speak a word, chose to grace Haku with his words. "HAKU STOP IT!" he yelled, releasing some of his pheromones

Haku finally looked up at Clax, tears threatening to fall out his bright green eyes. Haku could smell Clax's Pheromones and he felt his legs getting weak. Jake slid down the wall and held his stomach in pain.

Haku stumbled and was about to fall, but Clax rushed to catch him. Mate instincts yk

Haku let out a shaky breath he couldn't believe it. "I still can't believe, someone like you would do this Clax." Haku's words left Clax broken. Haku could feel his mark darkening, forcing him to feel pain because he was opposing his Alpha.

Clax could see it, his bite mark on his mate giving off black threads of nothing but depression and sadness. But it wasn't Haku's fault at all.

Haku shoved clax off. "Love let me explain-"
"I don't need your explanations Clax. So just leave me alone." Haku cut him off.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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