Chapter 3

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Harry was determined to enjoy her date with Oliver Wood, even though she found herself terribly distracted by her upcoming meeting with Minister Riddle. It was good to see Oliver again, and he kept Harry entertained with plenty of stories about his job as the Keeper of Puddlemere United. Harry was also pleased to discover that the attraction she'd once felt towards Oliver was still there. She was sure that Oliver had all the makings of a fantastic future husband.

Oliver persuaded her to join him in the Three Broomsticks for some lunch and they happily chatted about the state of Quidditch at Hogwarts over two plates of bangers and mash. Just before one Minister Riddle stepped through the door and Harry's heart sank into her stomach while nervous jitters coursed through her entire body.

Riddle greeted people left and right, shaking hands and offering comforting smiles, but his sharp eyes immediately found Harry.

"I have to go," Harry blurted, because for some reason she felt like she needed to protect Oliver all of a sudden.

"Already?" Oliver asked, grabbing hold of Harry's hand while she shot up from her seat. Across the room, Riddle's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, I'm sorry," Harry rambled, heart hammering in her chest while she quickly pulled her hand free. "I have an important appointment I can't miss." She gave Oliver a quick glance. "I loved our date, I really did."

"Then we'll do it again," Oliver said, glancing between Harry and Riddle and apparently realizing Riddle was there to see Harry.

"I'd love to," Harry said with as much sincerity as she could manage. She really loved spending time with Oliver and she wanted to do it again, but Riddle's penetrating gaze kept her from being too forwards with her affections towards Oliver just then. She gave Oliver one last, fleeting smile and hurried towards Riddle, who met her in the middle of the pub.

"I have booked us a private room," Riddle murmured while staring down at Harry with a blank expression. His eyes, though, were alight with many things, most which Harry couldn't quite identity.

"Thank you," Harry said while a small wave of relief washed over her. At least she wouldn't have to keep up appearances because they were in public while she chewed him out. Thank Merlin for small favours.

Riddle led her up a flight of narrow stairs and through a hallway full of creaky floorboards. He pushed open a door and gestured at Harry to enter the room. Harry stopped dead in her tracks in the doorway, though, because there in the room stood a huge bed and nothing else.

"I do apologize," Riddle said, gently slipping past Harry while waving his wand. The bed disappeared and was quickly replaced by two comfortable chairs with a small table between them. "I had asked for a meeting room, but apparently Rosmerta didn't quite understand what kind of meeting exactly I was planning on having."

"That's fine," Harry whispered, shuffling inside and sitting down in the chair Riddle gestured her into. She inhaled several deep breaths while a house-elf briefly popped into the room to place a tea service on the table.

"How have you been?" Riddle asked pleasantly as he picked up the steaming teapot and poured them both cups of tea.

"Angry, mostly," Harry said, her lips pursed as she gave Riddle a defiant stare.

Riddle picked up his teacup and sat back in his chair while giving Harry a decidedly delighted look. "Do tell." And then he sipped his tea with a smile as though a fuming Harriet Potter was the most entertaining thing he'd seen in a long while.

"I'm pissed off that you tricked Blaise into giving up his courtship," Harry said, ignoring her own tea, hands clasped tightly in her lap.

"Tricked?" Riddle tilted his head as he gave Harry a curious look. "I vaguely remember offering a talented young wizard a job that would suit him well. Nothing more than that."

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