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And the danger is that in this move toward new horizons and far directions, that I may lose what I have now, and not find anything except loneliness. 

Sylvia Plath

Ahana's pov

when I talked rudely to him today It felt so worst. But it is good for me I don't want to increase my expectations. What if he doesn't like me , his all friends are very rich, their lifestyle, way of living are different as compared to me so it is better to ignore him.

But she doesn't know that already he liked her at first sight. She doesn't know what life has to offer her and she is thinking bullshit about herself.

I woke up at 7:00 am today. Not bad Ahana you wake up early today good improvement. After doing my morning chores I went towards kitchen to help mom in making breakfast.

"OH MY GOD who are you!! you are not Ahana " her mom said teasingly

"Mom don't be over dramatic yaar i want to help you in the kitchen chores that's it" She replied while rolling her eyes.

"I am not your yaar Ahana"

"yeah yeah I know yaaarrrrrr" She replid teasingly

I don't know how to feel right now. Feel happy coz he noticed me or feel sad that that I talked rudely with him. Oh god why am i so confused even I am good at maths ufff!!! but not in this love stufff

After all this I went to college and there I found my stupid friend fighting with one of the boy from class. She is alike me she is also arguing with a boy.

"I will break your bones bloody dumbo, donkey, monkey" Mehak yelled at him

And he is none other than our hero's bestiee Vishal oh god so much drama'

"Oh hello miss you are the one who starts cursing me am just replying back your words" Vishal replied glaring her

"oh yeah coz you and your idiotic frnds occupying our seat. This is the seat where I used to sit daily '

"I won't leave this seat anymore do what ever you want to do" he replied with a huge smirk on his face

"Okie guys let it be Mehak leave it we will sit on another bench let's go" Ahana came in between them

"Yes Yes go you bloody middle class girls" Vishal replied { I know you guys don't like him now but he is a gem in our next parts you will see]

By hearing his words I loosened my temper he have to pay for this

"Yes we are middle class not like you bloody rich spoiled brat" Ahana replied glaring him

" I am glad that I am not rich like you coz I don't want to become like you bloody asshole. hmm I guess you are the one of them who fly high on their dad's wealth and don't know how to respect others AM I RIGHT MR VISHAL KHANNA " Ahana said

"I don't mind your words btw we r happy being us not like you Mr show off ki dukan"

After my speech he kept quite but his devil friend came in between. OH GOD I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT WITH HIM.

"you are not allowed to talk to him like that Miss sharma apologize now " Aryan said came from behind  and stand in front of me.

" I am not going to say sorry to him coz he is the one who is wrong here" SHE said with her anger filled voice

"you have to! otherwise consequences will be worst for u" He replied

Coming little closer to him she said by seeing in his eyes "Let's see how much you rich people stoop low only for an apology"

I went from there with Mehak. How can he say like that. Today one thing I got to know that he is also like them selfish, egoistic. How can I fall for a man like him. I hate myself now.


So guys next part will be in aryan pov letss see what can aryan do and how much ahana tolerate!!!! Support my story guys!!!

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