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[Sand Caverns, Iraq.
Thursday, May 30, 2003.]

𝟷𝟿:𝟶𝟸 𝙷𝚁𝚂

Nicolas Kay slid into a tunnel before inevitably falling on his side, causing him to loudly groan in pain as a thin layer of dust covered his body. Begrudgingly, Sergeant Kay stood to his feet and waved his weapon around frantically just in case any Iranian soldiers followed suit. These movements were halted when his radio began to act up, ringing in his ear.

"Ah, shit!" He gritted his teeth as he readjusted it and, after a moment, the beeping ended. "Merwin? Jason? Y/n?" He called out to the shadows but received no reply.

Quickly, Nick grabbed a flare from his backpack and activated it — throwing it into the abyss as it illuminated the tunnel in a dark red light.

Seeing as he had no other option, Nick cut his losses and ventured down the channel. "Jason!" He called out for his Squad Leader. "Nick?" The muffled voice of the lieutenant echoed throughout the cave.

"Jason?" Nick said, quieter. "I'm close, man, I'm coming!" He added.

"Don't blow your load too fast, buddy."

As Nick continues to walk through the caverns, a dark figure of ghastly characteristics jumps out from a crevice, shocking him. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." He harshly whispered to himself, but he had no other choice but to head in the same direction as the unknown figure did.

When the man approached a darkly lit tunnel, he stopped in his tracks as soon as he heard a clicking noise. Squinting, Nick could barely see what he assumed to be the creature which was seeming to be hunched over.

Click. Click.

It then looked over its shoulder, now bringing to Nick's attention that the creature had hollowed eye sockets. He raised his flashlight on it to get a better read on what it was, but it ran away. "What the?..." Nick trails off.

From then on, the network of long and narrow caves was illuminated through sinkholes on the surface in some areas which aided in calming Nick's nerves. When he reached the end of his channel, he found what seemed to be remnants of a temple such as pillars and stairs.

"The fuck is this place?" It was the last thing that Nick expected to be waiting on the other side of the channel for him. Reaching the end of the tunnel, Nick finds a structure and jumps down.

Just then, a bright flashlight was shined in his eyes — causing the sergeant to squint. "That you, Nick?" Jason Kolchek questions but didn't get a response back. Lowering the light, the two reunite and stood beside each other.

"Well, ain't that something? Where on God's green earth have we landed?" The lieutenant let out a sigh, examining the area. "We need to get back topside, regroup with the rest of the squad, and signal for medivac. This place ain't no weapon silo, but it's sure as fuck crawling with Iraqis," Nick does not respond, still spooked from earlier. "Sergeant Kay! Pull yourself together. Eyes wide!"

"I saw something," Nick whispered, uneasy. "What do you mean you saw something?" Jason asked, his eyes narrowing as he watched his friend's frantic demeanour.

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