Chapter 1

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"What do you say we go back home Toothless?" The dragon rider said, catching the attention of his scaly friend.

"It's been a few weeks and I really need to get back to my duties as chief."

Toothless rolled his eyes, making a grunting sound showing Hiccup his opinion.

"Oh come on bud." Hiccup said, scratching under Toothless' neck. "You of all people, or dragons, should understand what it's like to be leader. You are the alpha after all." He smiled.

Toothless paused, then let out another sound.

"Hey, I don't want to get back as much as you." Hiccup said, mounting the saddle. "But I'm doing this for my father."

Hiccup help back a chuckle. If he guilted Toothless, he knew the dragon had no choice.

Toothless, without warning, shot up into the sky causing Hiccup to let out a small "manly" scream.

"Okay bud!" He yelled playfully. "You got your payback!"


"Get in here servant." A deep voice said. "You're already on thin ice for being late to training."

"Yes sir." A female voice said.

Moments later, a small figure walked from the shadows, holding a plate of food.

"Here's your breakfast sir." She said, holding out the plate.

"What did I say about speaking to me without asking for permission?" The man said.

"My apologies sir." She said. "I won't forget next-"

"Shut up." The man growled. "Did you not hear a word I just said?"

The woman took a quiet, deep breath and turned her gaze to the ground.

"That's better." He said. "But what has Grimmel told you about looking at the ground? It makes you look weak."

The woman looked up and met her eyes with his. Not a word was said.

"That's more like it." Grimmel said. "Now be on your way. I don't want to see your pathetic face for another second."

The woman nodded, then turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

She didn't pause, she didn't take a breath. She just quickly walked back to her room to be left in complete solitude.


Toothless made a sound as if he were asking how much longer he'd have to flap his wings.

"Almost there Toothless." Hiccup said, covering his eyes from the torrential downfall that just suddenly appeared. "Just a few more minutes. I can see the glowing from here."

Hiccup narrowed his eyes to get a better view.

Seconds later, Hiccup let out a confusing gasp.

"Do you see that?" He asked, pointing the direction of his village.

Toothless made a sound of concern as he too looked at Berk.

"Go Toothless." Hiccup said sternly. Toothless bolted to the village.

As soon as they landed, Hiccup jumped of his dragon and ran into his village that was engulfed in flames.

Hiccup's eyes quickly scanned his deteriorating village, looking to find signs of life anywhere, but to his demise, there was no one.

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