previously (001)

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When me , Finn, and Robin went through a stressful and traumatic experience with The Grabber. Towns child serial killer. Was shot. Not dead, we found he was alive and well but it was a prison for the remaining 2 years.

Sick. He deserves a lifetime for all his murders of the innocent children. Well some. Pinball Vance surely wasn't innocent but he still didn't deserve to die.

Ever since our crazy experience with that creep Me and Robin got closer then we ever have. We're not dating but we did hang out alot more then other friends would. And that was 2 years ago. At our first 'date' we refer it as.

I'm 15. And Robin is also 15. He's only older then me by a month which isn't a big flex.

Finney and Gwen are our little relationship teasers. Gwen always asks if we're dating yet and Finn taunts the relationship on how it's obvious we like each other and how we're so quiet and awkward about our feelings.

Which is true. We did have our date with Gwen screaming and crying about Jason Friday 13th and Titanic.. but hey! She was asleep and it didn't really count.

As for me and Robin we like to hit back at Finn since him and Donna go on dates but it's always a dinner date or arcade place.
Or worse they haven't made any moves at all towards each other but only hug or hold hands. No words, just affection between them.

What a cute awkward couple though. They need to start dating.

I mean Gwen and Finn and their new add member in the group of taunting-Ariana-and-Robins-relationship

They added Donna so now she likes to make some teasers which we never took seriously since she's been waiting for Finn to stop being an awkward bird.

I'm glad I got close to these 4 and they are the only groups I need.

I'm still such an enemy with Jennie somewhat in school, but she's still made my life hell for this horrible side-picking school.

I ended somehow being a new popular girl all because I survived being axed and the girls heard about me being friends with Bruce.

He was popular. Of course he was. He wasn't a mean popular boy though. He was sweet and such a beautiful boy.

I mean that in a friend way of course but all girls slept on him.

Since then I kinda took Jennies spot in the school and I'm not really upset about it but now I'm more distanced with Gwen, Finn, Donna, and Robin. I tried talking to them but these girls kept pulling me aside telling me new drama about Chloe dating Hannah's boyfriend or new fights and boyfriend munching.

They asked me why I hang with those freaks which I always stuck up for so they decided to not get their asses beat.

I don't know though, I'm sure that now 4 group thinks I'm a backstabber. Which I miss them like hell.

Like I miss the small sleepovers with Gwen and Donna and them barging up about boys like Donna and Finn or me and Robin.

The other fun was us watching a movie and bugging Finney or begging him to watch it with us.

I also miss how all of us 5, would hangout with a sleepover or even better the state Fair.  You know the small towns little fun area with roller coasters and rides and game and food, drinks and stuff. That was my favorite.

I liked going on the Ferris Wheel with Robin. I loved our laughs and our hugs. Robin tried to lean in till these girls ruined it by screaming because they are scared of heights. So it wasn't always a slick kiss. But I guess we will remain as only kissing once.

I also liked going on the scary tall roller coasters with Finn and Gwen. Finn screaming is funny as hell and Gwen cussing him out which I could never take seriously.

Or when me and Donna and Gwen go one scary rides. Sometimes Donna would bring along Finn and me and Gwen would admire Finn trying to hold in his scream while Donna held on his arms to calm her fears.

But lord.. when it's me and Donna and have never heard the loudest screams together at all!

Robin and Finn go on all the roller coasters and games while us girls do whatever really.

Or my favorite- favorite of all is us all together. The laughs and screams and fun.

My favorite people all time.

But it all came to a end when I got dragged away.

I hated seeing them at the fair and staring at me walk past them with the popular girls. And jock's..

Robin and Finn hated those jock's. Xoxo Mike and Tyler along with Alex

Alex always liked me since 6th grade but I hated him and I still do.

I let him down every offer he gave for a date or something.

Finn and Robin hated it more when the 3 would try to talk to Gwen and Donna and me

But now it pisses them more off once they see me fake laughing with the jock's and popular girls.

It wasn't the same.

It wasn't the same going to the fun fair without my true funny group..

I'm with the little miss perfects and the wanna be funny and cool jock's.

I knew they missed me. And I know they know I miss them.

But I couldn't do anything.

Just stare and walk away.

But when I had the chance. I would look at them all and wave.

Which Gwen would try to wave back but Finn pushed her hand down and Donna trying to at least glance at me but Finn would softly push her away and Robin would look at me and shake his head with disappointment and anger. Same with Finn.

My platonic soulmate and my first lover. Now hate me. And my closest girl twin flames. We were kinda like triplets in a way.

But who knows. I just want my group.

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