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I woke up feeling like shit.

My hair was greasy, eyes puffy from crying, anger control hasn't helped at all with me.

I'm screwed.

I showered and put my clothes on and my shoes and left the house quietly since I kinda felt bad last night.

I was speed walking since I didn't wanna talk to Robin at all.

I didn't wanna talk to anyone.

Not that I was upset about anything that Robin or anyone else did anything I just didn't want to lash out on people or speak to people.

I walked down the street and saw the group walk along to the library. Which is weird because, one Robin and Gwen hate reading or learning really. They just never had interest, they think it's boring.

However Donna likes reading, such a bookworm but I don't know about Finney. He's probably just going there to try and get Donna to think he likes what she likes, like reading.

I didn't wanna cause attention to them so I just put my zipper jacket hoodie on to think I'm just a depressed loner kid that doesn't show his face because she has social anxiety and hates all forms of emotion and conversation.

Which is not true but it works.

When I speed walked across them they glanced and noticed my handbag that throws everything off and they now know it's me.

They called my name in confusion knowing it was me and why I haven't called or talked to them.

I just didn't look and walked.

I walked so far I didn't even care if I fell or where I was going I just walked without thinking at all.

I ended up stopping at looking at the house that I was captured in.

I just stopped looking at it hesitantly and walked to the nearest post office and pulled out a letter I forgot I even wrote.

It was to my grandmother. The only mother I kinda really had left.

She lives all the way in Ohio. But if I could live with her I would but dad says she won't do any good. Plus I guess I'm a big hand fold for an 'elder like her' dad says.

But my grandmother loves me. She even looked after me every time I got the days to spend with her. She knows my dad treats me badly, she even offered me to stay with her but I told her I can't because dad said no. And she looked angry, just angry by her son.

She wanted him to get better for me. Not only just me, but for my mother too. Father was always arguing and having anger punches and slaps to my mom. I just sat and watched. Not being able to move. Just being angry but I couldn't do anything because I was terrified, as well.

Terrified how my father went from sweet and kind and the best father I could ask for me and my mom. To a big evil monster.

I got snapped out of my thoughts and forgot about how I was still at the post office staring at the letter.

I opened it forgetting what I wrote probably 2 years ago.

"Hey grandma. Dad's gone to the club. He hasn't been back in a day, I don't know what to do. I got in a fight with a girl named Jenny. She totally pissed me off. Sorry for my language. I kinda need a place to stay as well. Vance has been missing. And I haven't had any one to cuss me out all day or just watch over me at least. Even though he basically just stole my house from me from time to time.

I hate being alone. And I haven't seen you all month. Can I stay with you? I don't really wanna be alone without someone watching me. Especially with the town grabber..

I miss you. And I went to my mom's grave today. It was pouring as well.

She likes rain, so do I.

And I have new birthday plans for October 11th. I want a big party that's themed as rainbows and colors. I also want a big clown that does magic and paints faces to cool designs. I also want to invite my friends. Gwen, Finney and Robin. I also met a new friend Donna.

I wanna have it at the local skating rink. Pretty fun. I don't want presents or anything just a pretty nice big cake! That's painted rainbow with extra frosting for my 14th birthday.

I also want you to be there. Dad says it's extremely expensive but I know you could help me pitch in.

It's 30$ and for the cake it's 20$.

50 dollars in total. Can you help?

Either way I love you grandma.

Hope to see you soon.

-love Ariana.

I stared at the paper. No emotion rushed to me surprisingly since I'm such a crybaby.

I noticed how I never got my birthday. Since I wasn't able to send the letter out neither was I able to escape from the torture of that man.

I ran in the post office and sent it down. I hope grandma realizes I'm 15 now. but I won't be surprised if she doesn't. Either way I love her.

I hope to get that party my inner child always wanted.

But maybe this year once I end this man again.

And stay away from everything.

For good.


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