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Evie won't see me.

The next few days are the worst because she just won't see me. I know she must be upset at what I did and I know time is probably what's best for her now, but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with.

It's habit to search for her from the windows of the house whilst I'm working, hoping to catch a glimpse of her iridescent tail or a streak of blonde hair. I hope she lingers nearby, making herself visible for me to approach, but there's no sign she's here. That's her thing, swimming away when she doesn't want to speak to me or she's upset about something – she's done it before. This isn't any different.

I know that, but all I can think about is her and it makes it so much more difficult. Was it stupid to kiss her? Very much, yes. Looking back, I was too caught up in the moment. Too stupid, moving without thinking. And I hate that I can't stop thinking about what it was like to actually kiss her because I don't deserve to, not when it's pushed her away. I shouldn't be thinking about how soft her lips are or how perfectly she seems to fit in my grasp or how her simple touch makes my heart swell in my chest uncontrollably. But I do.

A few days is fine, I understand. She's furious, I get it. I took advantage of our situation, I didn't ask her if I could kiss her. I ruined our friendship and her special day. It's fair, albeit painful. It's never been longer than that, though. She's never ignored me for longer than that, and yet–

She's been gone for a week. Even when I try to get her attention, standing at the dock and calling out to her – pleading for her to just let me know she's okay – she doesn't make herself known. What if something's happened? What if she's in danger and that's why she's not come back? She wouldn't just leave and never come back, that's not Evie, no matter how much I messed up.

I find myself sitting at the dock one evening, praying that she's okay and hoping to try and get her attention again. It's dark out, the sun having set not long ago. It's amazing how being here, sat by the ocean in the dark, in the middle of nowhere by myself would once terrify me, but right now, that's the least of my concerns.

"Evie," I call out halfheartedly. "Please, if you're out there listening, please just let me know you're okay. I can't– I don't like not knowing."


I sigh deeply. "I know I messed up. I have to apologise. I never meant to push you away. But I can't do that if you don't come back. So, please..."

A permanent knot of worry resides in my heart, growing bigger the longer she ignores me. We've seen each other almost every day for the past three months and, suddenly, radio silence.

I'm not sure how long I stay out there, waiting, but it starts to get a little chilly and I know it's time to go in.

She still doesn't show.


"...and I don't even know why she wouldn't just let me buy the drink, it's not like I don't look my age, you know? It's just silly how this has happened..."

I sigh inwardly as Maya goes on a never ending rant about the latest in her life – trying to buy a Red Bull from Asda. We're having another one of our usual catch-ups, but it's not quite the same considering I can't seem to focus on anything except Evie, who has ignored me for a whole week. And my hurt has only transformed into pure concern for her well-being.

"...anyway, that's not the only reason I called," Maya continues. "I wanted to tell you that we've had a few buyers who are very interested in the property."

"The property?" I ask with disinterest, picking at the loose thread on my shirt.

"The house you're working on, Leila," she says bluntly, definitely earning my attention. "It's a great property and I wanted to see how far you are with it so I can give an estimated completion date to them. Gotta get those viewings booked in."

Evie | a lesbian fantasy romance [girlxgirl]Where stories live. Discover now