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Harry POV

Time passed. People would see me in the library and I was always walking around with my notebook trying to find Sirius. Or at least that's what they thought. Actually this was currently on my planning to do list

* Get Fudge out of office.
* Resurrection the dark lord and make him understand I'm not against him.
*Get the ministry back on its feet.
*Get rid off more order members.
*Get Barty safely out off here.
*Keep Draco safe at all costs.

So yeah. This is what I went around and planned. However I had told Dumbledore that I think they might be hiding on Lestrange property so he was busy trying to get a search warrant off the the Lestrange property. Anyway the days before the second task I didn't let Draco out off my sight.

"Mr Potter I need to speak with Mr Malfoy alone." Snape said as he came up to the group who sat in the common room. Draco went to rise, but I just gripped onto him.

"No." I said.

"Harry I trust Sev." Draco said and I sighed before letting go. I got a dagger out and began twirling it between my fingers and looked directly at Snape. He shivered and they walked out. The clock was 9 which means bedtime really when they left. Everyone eventually went to bed. However I began to pace back and forth in the common room with the dagger in my hand.

The next morning Theo walking jnto the common room first. There he saw I had made a human shaped figure out off daggers before throwing a dagger directly into what looks like the head.

"Harry have you had any sleep?" Theo asked cautiously.

"I can't sleep without Draco." I growled. More students arrived and everyone kept a good distance between themselves and me seeing I wasn't in a very good mood. When we walked into the great hall Snape wasn't there. I threw a dagger and the tip off the dagger went through the chair.

"Mr Potter?!!" McGonagall exclaimed loudly and surprised.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Snape is talking to the Malfoy's." She said.

"I don't give a fuck about Snape! Where the fuck is Draco?!!" I shouted annoyed and tired. Just then the doors behind us opened and Narcissa, Lucius and Snape walked in. Snape had to dodge a dagger and I ran and jumped at him. However found myself being grabbed by two pairs of hands before I could get to him. I looked to see the twins. "LET ME GO!!!" I shouted trying to fight against them. However that was pretty hard when my fett weren't touching the ground.

"You need to calm down Harry." Fred said.

"I will calm down when I see Draco!!" I shouted and twisted my body so my foot kicked the back of Fred's head. Then I flipped George.

"Headmaster I suggest we move the task forward." Ludo Bagman said.

"Yes of course. Champions go to the Black lake." Dumbledore said. However I had disappeared in that direction already. Everyone arrived at the lake.

"Ready set go!" Ludo said without any speech or such. I changed into my animagis form which is a 16 feet long anaconda. Then I swam along the top of the water until I got to the middle before swimming down. I had to search around a little, but found him pretty easily. Then without a second thought I bit off the seaweed holding him stuck to the bottom. After that I wrapped around him one time and swam while holding him. We got to the surface and he woke up. I transformed back.

"You okay?" I asked. He was breathing pretty heavily and splashing. in the water.

"I can't swim." He said and began to panic. I used my feet to swim and cupped his face.

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