Chapter 9

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It's the day of the Sports Festival as the Stadium is bustling with people. Numerous stands are selling food and merch as everyone crowds around and gets ready to enter the Stadium to watch the Sports Festival. In the waiting rooms of the Stadium, Class 1A prepares for the Festival.

Achilles: 'Yo Izuku, you ready for the Festival?'

Izuku: 'Yup, I am and I got everything all planned out'

Hector: 'We only using Greek Servants right?'

Chiron: 'We are, Izuku we'll use a different Servant if necessary'

Caenis: 'I'm just eager to show our skills to everyone here'

Medusa: 'Indeed, everyone will be watching so we should prepare'

Atalanta: 'Izuku, everyone else is watching in Chaldea. Your Mother says good luck and win this for us'

Izuku: 'You know I will Atalanta'

Then all of a sudden the door of the waiting room opens as Iida makes an announcement

Iida: Everyone, are you ready? It's almost time to go.

As Izuku is preparing his strategies with his Servants he doesn't see Todoroki walking towards him until he calls for his name.

Todoroki: Midoriya.

As Midoriya got broke out of his train of through as he faces Todoroki

Izuku: Todoroki, is there something you need?

Todoroki: Looking at it more objectively, you are the strongest in our Class. Those summons of yours, these Servants as you call them. I can consider them more powerful than any of us here. So that's why I need to beat you.

Kaminari: Todoroki is declaring war on Midoriya?

As Kirishima went towards the both of them to stop any fight from happening.

Kirishima: Why are you starting a fight all of a sudden? Stop it.

Todoroki: We're not here to play friends. Does it even matter?

Izuku: It does, look I don't really understand your declaration to beat me, but here's one thing I have to say to you. Don't hold back, everyone will be giving it their all in the Festival and I expect you to do the same Todoroki, cause I won't. We're here to show them what we're made off and it starts today.

As Todoroki narrows his eyes at Izuku as the Festival is about to begin.

Present Mic: Get ready, audience! Come forward, mass media! It's the High School fighting ground that you all love. Everybody, UA Sports Festival is about to start. Are you ready?! First Year students will now enter!

As the First Year Students start to enter the Festival.

Present Mic: UA Sports Festival. The once-a-year battle where rookie Heroes engage in fierce competition to take the top. You all want to see these guys, right? Although attacked by the enemy they over came it with hearts of steel. The marvelous new stars. Hero Course Class 1A

As Class 1A steps out into the Stadium as the audience cheers for them.

Izuku: 'There's a lot of people'

Achilles: 'Liven up Izuku this is our time to shine!'

Chrion: 'Yes, it's time to show them why the Greeks are known for these types of event'

Medusa: 'The loud mouth claims your Class fought the enemy but in actuality it was all us'

Stheno: 'Indeed, they just stood there and watched us'

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