Chapter 18

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Inside the Observation Center, all the Class 1A Students were escorted out of there by Recovery Girl as Nezu and Aizawa arrived alongside Da Vinci, Gilgamesh (Caster), and Sherlock.

Sherlock: To think a rogue Servant would show up.

Da Vinci: And it had to be someone like him.

Aizawa: I take it you had problems with this Servant during the Singularities or Lostbelts.

Da Vinci: He killed me.

Sherlock: Indeed we did. Grigori Rasputin, a Pseudo-Servant using the corpse of Kirie Kotomine as his vessel.

Nezu: And who is this Kirie Kotomine?

Da Vinci: Kirie Kotomine is one of the members of the Church and an Executor. If you remember about them, they are the heretic inquisitors of the Church established by the 120th Cardinal. They are not charged with the purpose of daemon exorcism, but rather have the task of demon killing and the destruction of other heretical beings. It is known as the bloodiest department of the Church, called the Shura's Den for its responsibility of punishing heresies. It takes a certain amount of willpower to be part of it, and being able to achieve the title of "Executor" signifies that one is a first-rate murderer that has passed brutal and pious training to become mankind's weapon.

Aizawa: And what exactly is their mission here?

Da Vinci: All we know is the Church understands its mission as being to guide humanity, becoming involved in conflicts such as the Holy Grail War with the ulterior motive of "keeping the peace for mankind". Like the Mage's Association, the Church attempts to monopolize the control of Mystery, but the organizations greatly differ in this respect. While the Association seeks to conceal Mystery from the public and preserve it, the Church attempts to "properly manage" it, destroying any Mysteries they deem as heresy.

Nezu: And have any of them participated in the Holy Grail War?

Gilgamesh (Caster): Kotomine has, he was the Master of Assassin in the Fourth Fuyuki Holy Grail War and later forms a contract with Gilgamesh (Archer) after Assassin's defeat. This contract persists into the Fifth Fuyuki Holy Grail War, where he is also appointed overseer of the Holy Grail War and forcibly takes the contract of Cu (Lancer) after dealing a fatal wound to his Master, Bazett Fraga McRemitz. While he is supposed to be an impartial mediator, he works in the background of the Holy Grail War to meet his own goals.

Aizawa: And he failed right?

Gilgamesh (Caster): Indeed. He met his end when Cu (Lancer), his Servant. Pierced him in the chest with his spear.

Aizawa: God. To think so many Grail Wars has happened and the world somehow didn't get destroyed.

Da Vinci: Indeed, like the Fuyuki Holy Grail War, True and False Holy Grail Wars, Great Holy Grail War, Imperial Capital Holy Grail Strange Story, "After" the Holy Grail War, Moon Holy Grail War, the Grand Order, Ainsworth Holy Grail War, Tokyo Holy Grail War, Waxing Moon Ritual, the-

Aizawa: Yes I get it. There are a shit ton of Grail Wars and I hope none appear here or else things will go from bad to worse.

Nezu: Indeed, who knows what the HPSC would do once they get wind of this.

Sherlock: Something nefarious no doubt, but they are nothing compared to the Mage Association.

Recovery Girl: What is this Mage Assocition?

They see Recovery Girl enter the room.

Da Vinci: Easy. The Mage's Association was an international, self-preservative and self-defense organization formed by practitioners of magecraft for the purpose of controlling, concealing, and developing Magecraft. It is said to transcend nationality and genre of magecraft, but that is in name only. After having existed for many years, it was decided around the Middle Ages by those who foresaw the decline of Magecraft that in order to preserve their power Thaumaturgy should drift apart from society and become a secret known only by a necessary minimum number of people.

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