Just Breathe With Me.

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Waking up beside Jace was probably one thing I never thought would happen. Before I even open my eyes I feel his arm snaked around my waist pulling me impossibly close to his warm and strong chest. He's shirtless so, I can feel his nipples and abs through the clothes I'm wearing. I never understood what people meant about washboard abs until this moment. His legs are tucked in right behind mine while one warm foot is on top of my cold one. His chest rises and falls at a calming rate that only a sleeping man can have. Each breath is deep and it makes his body move in a slow rhythm. Even his breath tickles my ear as we just lay there. 
I can't help but turn my head to get a better look at the scary man, who right now, doesn't look so scary at all. He looks peaceful and content which is a first for him. He's wearing an expression not commonly found on a biker. No frown or smirk marrs his perfect face. For the first time in a long time he actually looks his age, and very much angelic... He even has a very faint Marilyn Monroe beauty mark below his full lips. That's the only imperfection that's not really an imperfection at all. His long thick lashes rest on his slightly squashed cheek that's pressed against my back. There's absolutely no space between us and I don't miss the fact that I don't mind that.

It feels hot under the thin blanket and I know it's not just because the summer sun is rising. Men for some reason chase the cold away from a woman's body. His breath tickles the back of my neck and for the first time in a long time, I bask in the peace of the morning rays. I have never been held like this before. I thought I would hate it but this somehow feels... right. I turn my head back and close my eyes, someday I'll lay like this with my husband. He will be a good kind man who loves me for me. Every imperfection adored, every laugh will sound like music, every night we will be savored, just the two of us. We will dance under the stars with only the breeze being the melody. He will hold me like this but he wont be this man, not in my life. some days I wish I would find him a lot sooner. A perfect day dream of a man. The type of dream that never really comes true but I find comfort in.

 Unfortunately I'm snapped out of my thoughts too soon.

I feel something snaking between my ass cheeks, something long and thick that seems to be growing. Somehow it feels even hotter than the rest of him. A deep groan makes its way to my ear and his hips grind into  me moving his dick further down the crack and closer to my core.

Jace fucking alders has a God damn boner... fan-fucking-tasctic. That is one way to ruin my mood. The same dick that has been in both of my friends has somehow found its way to me. Even though he is asleep I cant help but huff at him. Even when he's unconscious he still finds a way to annoy me. 

Now here's the dilemma I am not entirely sure how to get out of the situation that I am in. Should I hop out of bed like I'm on fire, slide out gracefully or just ignore it.

His big hand sneaks up from the middle of my stomach and is slowly making its way up to my breast. I cant breath as I watch, maybe he will stop. Even in his sleep he tries to seduce a woman in the cheapest way possible. His hand makes its way to the soft tissue and rests before giving it a squeeze. I cant help but arch my back allowing his clothed member to get even closer to my southern lips. Thankfully I am still wearing panties. 

Yesterday's memories start playing in my head. His lips and they way they devoured my own. His bloody hands and how they gripped my hips in almost a painful way, almost but not quite. His eyes that look like a Forrest with their vivid green.

another groan makes its way to my ears as he hugs me closer, as if he's afraid I will escape him.  The feeling of Jace is so good but so dangerous at the same time. The man is a slow working poison that infects everyone in the best and worst ways imaginable. Warning signs go off in my head loud and clear. Whatever Jace and I have been doing needs to stop he is everything I should never want. As I said, he's dangerous and, I refuse to ever be in danger again. He's like a poison that is slowly infecting me.

I try to take his hand off of my body but it seems like he doesn't want to move. Stubborn as per usual. He has been kind to me so I don't want to wake him up in a rude way. I mean if he were anyone else I probably would have already shoved them off. I do feel a little bad as he probably had a long day yesterday handling business, and I know most people don't wake up with the dawn like me. 

I need some distance though, sooner rather than later. 


A huff is the only response he gives me before he moves his hand from my breast. and travels upwards even further. Resting on my throat, I cant help myself and start to panic. Hes not at fault I mean he is asleep but its a trigger for me. My breathing starts getting erratic and a hum makes its way through my body as I stiffen up. 

Don't cry now Abby, don't show him anything you don't want him to see. Don't show him how weak you are.


A broken gasping plea lives my lips.

The words I tell myself aren't helping as I start to hyper ventilate which seems to  startle him awake. He quickly takes his hand off my throat and uses it to grab my own and bring them above my head. taking his other hand he moves me onto my back being careful not to touch me. 

Those eyes of his search my face as if looking for something wrong 

"Just breathe with me Abby."

He takes a slow deep breath in and I try to follow suit. 1,2,3 and a slow breath out. 

"Good job, now again. hold my eyes Abby I am right here"

we repeat this maybe 15 times both gazing at each other. Each breath his face gets closer and closer. I don't even notice it until I'm drowning in green as we both inhale the same air. His hand still holds both of mine above my head in a firm grip to help my lungs take in as much oxygen as possible.

As I calm down he closes his eyes and rests his forehead on my own. Our lashes touch at the proximity. He probably feels the butterfly kisses from me. 

"What happened to you Abby? Who broke you?"

I cant help the embarrassment and shocked feeling that overcomes me. He's the first person to figure out that there is something very wrong with me. The first person to see past it all. 

"Can you just take me home, please?"

I knew he was dangerous, dangerous to my sanity, image and definitely dangerous to my heart...

"of course I will, sweet thing , always."  

He doesn't move though, we just stay there for what feels like hours, saying nothing else but understanding that this moment ends as soon as one of us breaks the comfortable silence. 

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