The Beach House: Chapter 4

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No much for me to say right now, lol. Just that I hope you guys enjoy this short and sweet chapter! 

(Sorry for any errors! Mackenzie on the side!)



Chapter 4

I’m not really good with childhood memories but one stood out to me most. It was Christmas morning and I was exactly eight years old so it was pretty understandable that the only thing I wanted was a Diamond Castle Barbie doll. I had been staring at the large box covered in bright pink wrapping paper, imagining what clothes the Barbie would come with. Was she wearing a dress? Did she come with a wand or a crown? Maybe both? When my parents had finally given me the okay to open the present, I had hurled myself towards the tree and ripped it open.

It wasn’t a Barbie. No, it was much better. It was a tiny little Yorkie puppy that I had wanted ever since I discovered what a dog was. Surprise came first then laughter and some tears of joy. This was exactly how I felt at the moment.

Their good looks threw me off. I hadn’t expected them to be attractive, or more importantly, soldiers of our country. For God’s sake, I anticipated them to be rowdy soccer dads with beer bellies. But no. These five guys were the complete opposite with their lean, muscular bodies and ruggedly handsome faces. I couldn’t put my finger on it but each one of them had a different aura about them that made them stunning in their own way.

Couldn’t just one of them not be hot? What were the chances that the car I slammed into would hold these guys? I’d say slim to none. Speaking of the car, I slid my eyes away from their striking features and examined the back bumper of their Camaro. It wasn’t as bad as I thought: just a small dent on the bottom left side that was the size of my hand. Thankfully, the collision left no marks on our car and I mentally thanked Kayla’s dad for getting us something sturdy. Maybe he had the feeling this would happen.

Mac spoke before I did even though she was standing behind me. “I hope you guys know that this was your fault.” I couldn’t even distinguish the angelic faces because they were so perfect that they were starting to blend in a little.

A look of annoyance crossed the man who happened to be driving. He was an all-American type of guy; the kind you would see on a Kraft Cheese commercial smiling at you with his pearly whites and white blond hair.

“Actually, little girl, it wasn’t,” he spoke in a smooth, hard voice. Someone was a little pissed off about his car. I would be too if I was driving a prize like that. Hell, I wouldn’t even let it out of my garage much less drive it on a highway and if anything happened to it, I sure wouldn’t be as calm as he was in this situation. I would be kicking everything in sight and demanding that the other person pay for the damage, even if it was my own fault. But maybe that’s just me.

I heard Mackenzie fuming behind me for being called “little girl” so I stepped in before she could launch herself at the Camaro with a hammer and destroy it even more.

“Listen, why don’t we just settle this like normal people?” I asked, using the insurance papers to fan my face. I did it both for dramatic effect and because the sun was burning through my thin tank top. It seemed the past rain days hadn’t stopped the sun from shining as bright and hot as it could. All five of them exchanged a look I couldn’t decipher and the blonde-haired one finally sighed with frustration.

While Blondie went back into his car to fish for his papers I took the opportunity to step back and whisper to the rest of my friends.

“Who would have thought they were so…..” Simone trailed off, tripping over the right adjective.

“Fuckable?” Kayla put in. Mackenzie gasped loudly at the offensive term but she should have expected it from a girl like Kayla.

“What?” Kayla asked as Simone gave her a stern look. “It’s not like you weren’t thinking it.” The corners of my mouth twitched a little because her words did have some truth in it.

“Hey.” Blondie was back. He handed me the papers to examine and gave us all distrustful looks. I noticed how his eyes lingered on Mac, whose cheeks were a faint tinge of pink. Well, well, well. I looked over his license and papers, a little disappointed that I didn’t find anything worth accusing him of.

I handed them back to him with a grim smile and said, “Well, there’s nothing wrong here so I guess we’ll be on our way.”

“Whoa, there.” He stepped in front of me and blocked me from getting into the car. “Not until we see your papers.”

I grudgingly handed over the small stack of papers, upset that my little plan for escaping hadn’t worked. Two more of the guys walked up to us to see what was taking so long. I swept my eyes over them, ecstatic that they were equally as good-looking. One of them was clearly from Italian descent with his extremely tan skin and dark hair which was in a buzz cut fashion. The other, oh boy the other, was so unbelievably attractive he actually took my breath away. He was different from the rest of them. His face was more badass and he had a roughness to him that screamed for me to stay away. I cleared my throat awkwardly as Blondie handed back the paper grimly.

“So what do we do now?” Kayla asked from behind me.

“I don’t know. I’ve never been in an accident before,” Blondie answered with a wry smile.

Mr. Badass spoke. “Why don’t we just pretend this never happened? I have to admit this was our fault and we’re the ones who ended up getting our car dented so everything’s fine. We’ll just run it by the mechanic, get it fixed up, and be on our way. It’s no big deal.” Oh dear Lord. Even his voice was attractive with its deep, mellow tone that sent shivers down my back.

Blondie looked furious. He didn’t want to have to pay for the wreckage but considering how the rest of his friends were nodding in approval, he was outnumbered. I grinned wickedly at him and raised my eyebrows, daring him to argue. In the end, we all agreed to leave this in the past.

I could feel Mr. Badass’s eyes on me on the entire time and it took so much self-control not to look his way. I did one last sweep on them, knowing that I was most likely never going to see them again so why not check them out while I could? Behind Blondie was a built guy with sun-kissed skin and shaggy, dirty blond hair. I eyed him from head to toe and let out an inaudible catcall. Next to him was a man— yes a man— with a dark brown buzz cut, sharp cheekbones, and a face that looked like he hadn’t shaved in weeks. It looked good on him though. Really good.

I couldn’t figure out who was the most attractive out of all of them but it was a tie between Mr. Badass and the Italian guy. I was heading back into the car, a little gloomy that I wasn’t going to be seeing the five guys again, when Blondie crept up behind us for the second time.

“Wait,” he interrupted. His eyes locked with Mac’s and he gestured her to come forward. She bit her lip, probably contemplating whether or not she should take orders from this guy, but he eventually won out in the end.

She went off to one side with him and I shrugged at Kayla and Simone who were sending me puzzled looks. But even I had to admit I was pretty curious to see what they were talking about. Blondie’s back was facing us so we could clearly see Mackenzie’s face from this angle.

They were talking in low voices. He handed her something that made her cheeks turn bright red and sent a quick nod in our direction before getting in his car. The rest of his friends followed but Mr. Badass sent a long glance back at me and we were soon left in the dust of their 1969 Camaro. Mac made her way back to us and climbed into the car wordlessly.

I turned towards Kayla and handed her the keys of the car. “I don’t really feel like driving after what just happened.” I still couldn’t believe that they’d just walked off without making a big deal about the dent in their car. Blondie probably realized that it was his fault in the first place and that he shouldn’t have been driving so recklessly.

I rode shot gun while Kayla sped through the highway, wincing every now and then when we drove over holes and bumps in the road. 

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