The Beach House: Chapter 1

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Hello my lovely fans! So I wrote this book a while back and then deleted it because I didn't like it. A few nights ago, I was lying in my bed and I was thinking about restarting this book because I had the perfect cast in my mind. I hope I can finish this book soon for you guys. Just please remember that I have writer's block right now and the first chapter may suck and I'm sorry! Also, support this book by voting and commenting so that I can upload the second chapter soon! Thank you so much!

(Sorry for any errors! Riley on the side!)



Chapter 1

"Calling all passengers for the flight to Malibu, California." The monotone voice blared throughout the airport, causing people to look up in interest from their Blackberries. I sighed and turned towards my parents, who looked like they wanted to climb onto the plane with me. My mom was already sobbing all over my dad's new polo shirt that I had gotten him for his birthday, but he also looked like he wanted to stop me from going on the best vacation of my life.

"Honey, remember that we're only a phone call away," she cried out, finally losing it and flinging her petite body at me. I hugged her back and fought back the tears that were threatening to spill from my eyes. I knew this would be the hardest part of leaving: saying goodbye. I loved my mom more than anything in the world and I had never been away from her for more than a few weeks. But she and I would have to survive a whole summer away from each other.

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll be fine and if I ever need anything I'll call you," I mumured against her soft summer dress. Her familiar flowery fragrance swirled around me and reminded me so much of home. Finally, my mother let go of me and I looked around at all my friends.

Kayla winked at me from under her mom's shoulder. Of course, her father, the owner of several oil industries, had only stuck around long enough to say goodbye and then disappeared back to his work. Her mother, the woman who managed countless beauty shops and spas, was decked out in a neat white suit and black pearls. She kissed both of her daughter's cheeks and then left, along with her burly bodyguards. Kayla rolled her eyes at her family's flashiness and then bounded over to me happily.

"Riley, can you believe our parents are actually letting us spend a whole summer away from them?" she chirped, looking around the busy airport. I nodded with excitement and grabbed her hand before pulling her towards the rest of our friends. 

Mackenzie's parents were currently lecturing her about not talking to strangers and eating too much sugar. I suppressed a giggle when they began their talk on staying away from boys and different kinds of sexual protection. Her parents were what you would call hippies. They both wore loose clothing, always talked about World Peace, and loved to sport all sorts of colors. I really admired her parents for taking that huge step and always found it odd when Mackenzie would get embarrased of them. For the eight years I had known Mackenzie, I never found a single candy bar in the Cooper house. Maybe that's why she would come to my house almost every other day and raid the cabinents of my kitchen to find anything made of sugar.

"It looks like she's busy to me," Kayla said, still trying to cover up her laughs. I chuckled softly and looked around, searching for the last girl in our group. At last, I found Simone nestled between her parents. Her whole family was from Jamaica and they all were super nice. Her parents would always welcome me like their own daughter and I loved spending time with them. But at the same time, I envied Simone's flawless mocha-colored skin, deep hazel eyes, and fantastic taste in fashion. 

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