Would you rather have your first child when you are 19 years old or when you are 45 years old? 45. Or not at all.
Would you rather have the details of your romantic life be made into a hit sit-com or have every one you meet know your personal finances? The hit sit com.... Because my romantic life is not existant.
Would you rather be able to stop time at will or age at half the normal human rate? No. Stopping time would be AWESOME!
Would you rather lose you sense of taste and smell or lose all of your hair? Taste and smell. I love my hair too much.
Would you rather be extremely attractive or be married to someone who is extremely attractive? I wanna be extremely attractive... Getting all the bitches lol.
Would you rather be the star player on a losing basketball team or ride the bench on a winning one? I wanna be a star!
Would you rather be ''just friends'' with someone you love or marry an attractive person who does not love you? #FriendZone
Would you rather have one year off at your current rate of pay or work your current job for a year at double your current rate of pay? Double pay bitches!
Would you rather win the Nobel Peace Prize or have the $1.2 Million that comes with the prize? Just the prize.
Would you rather be able to visit 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future? 100 Years in the past.
Would you rather spend 48 straight in a public restroom or spend the next two month taking only public transportation. Public transport. I already do that.
Would you rather be able to eat anything and any quantity of food with no negative health effects, or be refreshed and well rested after only three hours of sleep? Refreshing three hour sleep...
Would you rather have a boring repetitive job that paid $90,000/year or an engaging job that you really enjoy but it pays $45,000/year? Interesting jobs... DUH!
Would you rather spend a week adrift at sea in a life raft or spend one month in Milwaukee County Jail? My biggest fear is drowning... Jail can't be THAT bad...
Would you rather spend the next year exempt from all taxes or have a one month paid vacation? One month paid vacation...
Would you rather perform CPR on a random stranger eat two whole raw habanero peppers? Habanero peppers aren't THAT hot...
Would you rather be riding coach on a trans-continental flight caught between a fighting couple or have a bee sting you on the face? Bee stings aren't THAT bad...
Would you rather spend 48 under observation in a psychiatric hospital or spend two weeks cleaning the bathrooms at Miami International Airport? Under observation.
Would you rather, Work your current job for the next year at double your current rate of pay, or have the next year off at full pay? Next year off full pay.
Would you rather get married in an arranged marriage or spending the rest of your life single without dating anyone. Rest of my life single
Would you want to be forever 21 years old physically if it meant that you were also forever 21 financially? No. I don't think so.
Would you accept a life as a successful artist making 4 times your current annual pay if it meant that your art was considered offensive by one of the world's major religions making you unwelcome in many countries and attracting unwelcome, often hostile, attention from people in your own country? EH.
Would you rather have to leave the country you now live in and be unable to return or spend the rest of your life being unable to make more than minimum wage? Leave the country. Minimum wage isn't enough to live off of.
Getting to Know me: 25 Facts about Me
Sonstiges25 Facts about me, to get to know the person behind the stories.