Year 2: Pretty Potter

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Me and Ginny actually got along rather well after the book shop. She would gush about Harry, and I would just listen. She really had it bad for him and then when we went to the train station it was like she was almost hiding behind me from him. I tried to make a joke "It's not like he's Fendir Greyback" Ginny looked at me confused as Mrs. Weasley whipped her head around towards me.

"What are you girls talking about?" Trying to keep everyone organized but was looking at us worryingly. Ginny and I just looked at each other confused by her behavior, so Mrs. Weasley just became more direct as we were walking towards the platform.

"Mira where did you hear that name?" She stopped and looked at me as she pushed some of the boys forward.

"He was someone I met in Knockturn Alley, Draco told me who he was" I told her nonchalantly because I was pretty much over the whole ordeal, but Mrs. Weasley eyes grew wide and pulled me protectively next to her like Fendir Greyback was there with us.

"Mira dear tell me exactly what happened?" We walked together with her arm around me and Ginny next to us as I told her the story she looked as if she was going to have a heart attack at a certain point but calmed and said "well the important thing is you're here now, but I would stay away from that Malfoy boy" patted me on the shoulder and went to yell at the twins.

"She is right you know" I just look at her like I didn't know what she's talking about.

"About Draco Malfoy he's from a bad sort" I just did a short nod and changed the subject.

"10:58, come on" Mr. Weasley said it felt like suddenly to me.

"The train will be leaving any moment." Mrs. Weasley said, and it felt like everything started to get fast paced at this point.

"Fred, George, Percy, you first." in a flash the Weasley boys were gone.

"Okay. After you, dear." After I heard that, Ginny pulled me into her run with her and then we were on the other side of the wall.

 "Come on, Dears, we'll get you a seat. Hurry" Mrs. Weasley put her hand almost felt lovingly on my shoulder to pull me along with them to get me and Ginny on the train. I kept looking for Harry behind us even when me and Ginny were looking for a compartment. We were still looking when I saw Neville. Who I ran over and hugged immediately.

"Hey Neville" I somewhat giggled at him with him looking red as a tomato. 

"Hi M" He looked happy to see me but almost nervous in a way though.

"This is Ginny" I lean over to Ginny then I grab both of their hands as I spot the compartment close by that looked cleared.

"Where's Harry" Neville asked as we started to sit down.

"Do think maybe he didn't make it through the wall Ginny" starting to get worried as Midnight magically appeared at my side with a meow. She was a very independent cat as she would follow me around wherever I went.

"I can't see how; it never closes during this time" with that the train started moving.

"I'm sure he's fine M." Neville said knowing how nervous I can get about Harry.

"I think I'm going to go look for him, do you two want anything from the trolley" they both shook their heads as I walked out of the room and ran into Hermione right after.

"Do you know where the boys are?" she looked annoyed.

"I was about to ask you the same thing?" she gave huff out.

"They probably got into trouble again" she said more to herself than to me.

"Ginny and Neville are in there if you want to sit with them, I was going to go look for Harry" I said pointing towards the compartment.

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